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dc.contributor.authorBrant, Charlene
dc.description.abstractThis project seeks to determine the most important characteristics in effective tutorial development. The findings from previous research of related studies provided direction regarding the design and production of solid modeling tutorials using screencapture with voiceover. Related studies were retrieved in an electronic database using the following keywords: tutorial design, improving spatial conceptualization, solid modeling tutorials, CAD tutorials, effective tutorials, and creating tutorials. Since the development of tutorials is completed via the use of ever-improving technology, the results of the search were then narrowed by the date published, rejecting anything regarding the development of tutorials dated before the year 2000. Theoretical references were not subject to this date filter. Tutorial prototypes were created using Google Sketch Up Pro, Power Point, and Camtasia II for Mac. Prototypes were designed using information from previous studies as well as guidance from Human Centered Design and Interaction theories. The resulting models were assessed using Bloom’s Taxonomy to attest to their potential value in the classroom. The final series of Google Sketch Up Pro tutorials is intended for use in a technical drawing introduction unit in middle school Technology Education classes. The objectives of the tutorials are to promote higher level thinking order and ultimately help students acquire spatial conceptualization skills in regard to technical drawing of 3D objects in 2D orthographic projection depictions. The hope is that the use of engaging tutorials will aid in bridging the gap between the 3D reality and the 2D drawing worlds.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDr. Russell Kahn, adviser ; Dr. Kathryn Stam, adviseren_US
dc.subjectHuman-Centered Designen_US
dc.subjecteffective tutorial developmenten_US
dc.subjectsolid modeling tutorialsen_US
dc.subjecttutorial designen_US
dc.subjectimproving spatial conceptualizationen_US
dc.subjectsolid modeling tutorialsen_US
dc.subjectCAD tutorialsen_US
dc.subjecteffective tutorialsen_US
dc.subjectcreating tutorialsen_US
dc.titleAchieving higher level thinking order through human-centered design tutorial developmenten_US
dc.description.institutionSUNY Polytechnic Institute

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BRANT2012Human-Centered Design.pdf

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