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Alan MandellTanweer Ali
Eric L. Ball
Anna Bates
Rebecca Eliseo-Arras
Robert Congemi
Alan Mandell
Alan T. Belasen
Anant Deshpande
David Anthony Fullard
Institute on Mentoring, Teaching and Learning Fellows, 2017-2018
Mindy Kronenberg
Lorraine Lander
Joanne Levine
Michele A. Cooper
Loredana-Florentina Bercuci
Alan Stankiewicz
Alan Mandell
Dee Britton
Heidi Nightengale
Heather M. Reynolds
Victoria Vernon
Janet Kaplan-Bucciarelli
Lear Matthews
Tomas Kerr
Rhianna C. Rogers
Dominique M. Murawski
Halee C. Potter
Rosalind October
April Simmons
Manhattan First Noodle Under the Sun
Deborah J. Smith
Gayle Stever
A. Jordan Wright
Arthur W. Chickering and Associates
Case Studies in Education
Spirituality in Higher Education
Black Male Initiative
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