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dc.contributor.authorZydlewski, Joseph
dc.contributor.authorStich, Daniel S.
dc.contributor.authorRoy, Samuel
dc.contributor.authorBailey, Michael
dc.contributor.authorSheehan, Timothy
dc.contributor.authorSprankle, Kenneth
dc.identifier.citationZydlewski J, Stich DS, Roy S, Bailey M, Sheehan T and Sprankle K (2021) What Have We Lost? Modeling Dam Impacts on American Shad Populations Through Their Native Range. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:734213. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.734213en_US
dc.description.abstractAmerican shad (Alosa sapidissima) are native to the east coast of North America from the St. Johns River, Florida, to the St. Lawrence River region in Canada. Since the 1800s, dams have reduced access to spawning habitat. To assess the impact of dams, we estimated the historically accessed spawning habitat in coastal rivers (485,618 river segments with 21,113 current dams) based on (i) width, (ii) distance from seawater, and (iii) slope (to exclude natural barriers to migration) combined with local knowledge. Estimated habitat available prior to dam construction (2,752 km2) was 41% greater than current fully accessible habitat (1,639 km2). River-specific population models were developed using habitat estimates and latitudinally appropriate life history parameters (e.g., size at age, maturity, iteroparity). Estimated coast-wide annual production potential was 69.1 million spawners compared with a dammed scenario (41.8 million spawners). Even with optimistic fish passage performance assumed for all dams (even if passage is completely absent), the dam-imposed deficit was alleviated by fewer than 3 million spawners. We estimate that in rivers modeled without dams, 98,000 metric tons of marine sourced biomass and nutrients were annually delivered, 60% of which was retained through carcasses, gametes and metabolic waste. Damming is estimated to have reduced this by more than one third. Based on our results, dams represent a significant and acute constraint to the population and, with other human impacts, reduce the fishery potential and ecological services attributed to the species.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.subjectAmerican shaden_US
dc.subjectAlosa sapidissimaen_US
dc.subjectDiadromous fishen_US
dc.subjectMigration, damen_US
dc.subjectFish passageen_US
dc.subjectMarine derived nutrientsen_US
dc.titleWhat Have We Lost? Modeling Dam Impacts on American Shad Populations Through Their Native Rangeen_US
dc.source.journaltitleFrontiers in Marine Scienceen_US
dc.description.institutionSUNY Oneontaen_US
dc.accessibility.statementElectronic Accessibility Statement: SUNY Oneonta is committed to providing equal access to college information by ensuring our digital content is accessible by everyone regardless of physical, sensory, or cognitive ability. This item has been checked by Adobe Acrobat Accessibility Check and remediated with the following result: [Remediation: title, language // Hazards: no tags, alt text]. To request further accessibility remediation on this SOAR repository item for your specific needs, please contact

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