Intra- and intergenerational experiences with menstruation taboos
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DeBonis, Ann MarieKeyword
MenstruationResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Psychology
Generation Z -- Research
Generation X -- Research
Holmes, TabithaVermeulen, Karla
Winograd, Greta
Term and Year
Fall 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The purpose of this study was to conduct an exploratory analysis of generational differences and similarities in women’s experiences of menstruation taboos in the United States. Participants (N=18) were women between the ages of 14-71, who identified as women who experienced menstruation at least once. A series of semi structured interviews were conducted remotely through Zoom. To gain a better understanding of how women experience menstruation, participants were asked to tell the story about the first time they menstruated. Additionally, they were asked to describe both a negative and positive experience of menstruation. Six emergent themes were identified from the interviews using a grounded theory approach that included: Maternal Imperative, Exposure of Menstrual Status/ “Failure” to Conceal, Liberation, and Connection. Emergent themes were compared cross-generationally and within each generation. Overall, Gen Z participants described a more supportive reaction from maternal figures compared to the other generations. Boomers and Gen X participants reported no supportive reactions. Additionally, Gen Z indicated that their positive experiences were liberating compared to other generations. Although emergent themes were present across all generations the sub-theme occurrence varied. Findings were discussed as they relate to and challenge menstruation taboos.Accessibility Statement
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