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Lawrence, SamanthaKeyword
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Aesthetic subjects::MusicResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Psychology
Music therapy
Music therapy -- Research
Hospice care
Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of lullabies as an intervention in hospice music therapy. A 15-question survey was electronically disseminated to board-certified music therapists (MT-BCs) with clinical experience working as music therapists in the hospice setting. Potential participants were located through the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) database. A total of 86 participants responded to the survey, and the data from 82 of the participants was analyzed. Participants indicated that they use all four methods of music therapy and many different types of music experiences as a lullaby intervention in hospice music therapy. Hospice music therapists use lullaby interventions as indicated by a variety of patient/family needs. The most common needs were those related to comfort/relaxation (73.17%), pain/discomfort (60.98%), and anxiety (57.32%). These correlate to the most common intended outcomes of lullaby intervention in hospice music therapy, which are increasing relaxation/comfort (76.83%), decreased stress and anxiety for patients and/or families (74.39%), and decreasing pain/pain perception (37.80%). Participants indicated in an open-ended question their opinions about how using lullabies differs from other hospice music therapy interventions. Themes of how these interventions differ include comfort and relaxation, family and familiarity, and meeting specific patient needs. Results of this survey indicate that music therapists are using lullaby interventions in the hospice setting to meet the needs of hospice patients and their families.Accessibility Statement
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