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Oddoye, LaidaReaders/Advisors
Heidt, Marium AbugadeseaDate Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Bilingual students that speak other Languages other than Spanish face academic challenges in the classroom due to the curriculum that has been designed for Spanish/English language speakers. Research has proven that the development of first language (L1) skills aid for the acquisition and development of the second Language (L2) and the curriculum does not permit for their native language to be utilized during planning, instruction and assessments. To address this concern and bring awareness and education to teachers and administrators, professional development is proposed. The professional development will help educators and administrators learn about the linguistic needs of bilingual students that affect their academic success. It will also bring awareness and education on the views of bilingualism in our middle school, and to remove biases and bring in a different perspective on how to better advocate for bilingual students, especially non -Spanish speakers. Implications on how to support bilingual students that are non -Spanish speaking are discussed.