Association of recent exposure to ambient metals on fractional exhaled nitric oxide in 9-11 year old inner-city children.
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Rosa, Maria JoséPerzanowski, Matthew S
Divjan, Adnan
Chillrud, Steven N
Hoepner, Lori
Zhang, Hanjie
Ridder, Robert
Perera, Frederica P
Miller, Rachel L
Journal title
Nitric oxide : biology and chemistryDate Published
2014-05-27Publication Volume
40Publication Begin page
60Publication End page
Show full item recordAbstract
Exposure to ambient metals in urban environments has been associated with wheeze, and emergency room visits and hospitalizations due to respiratory illness. However, the effect of ambient metals exposure on airway inflammation, and how these associations may be modified by seroatopy, has not been determined. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is a reliable proxy marker of airway inflammation. We hypothesized that recent ambient concentrations of Ni, V, Zn and Fe would be associated differentially with proximal and distal fractions of exhaled NO, and that these associations would be modified by seroatopy. As part of the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH) birth cohort study, 9-11 year old children (n=192) were evaluated. Ambient measures of Ni, V, Zn and Fe were obtained from a local central monitoring site and averaged over 9 days based on three 24h measures every third day. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) samples were obtained at constant flows of 50 (FENO50), 83 and 100mL/s, and used to determine surrogate measures for proximal (JNO) and alveolar (Calv) inflammation. Seroatopy was determined by specific IgE at age 7. Data were analyzed using multivariable linear regression. Ambient V and Fe concentrations were associated positively with FENO50 (p=0.018, p=0.027). Ambient Fe was associated positively with JNO (p=0.017). Ambient Ni and V concentrations were associated positively with Calv (p=0.004, p=0.018, respectively). A stronger association of Ni concentrations with Calv was observed among the children with seroatopy. These results suggest that ambient metals are associated differentially with different fractions of FENO production, and this relationship may be modified by seroatopy.Citation
Rosa MJ, Perzanowski MS, Divjan A, Chillrud SN, Hoepner L, Zhang H, Ridder R, Perera FP, Miller RL. Association of recent exposure to ambient metals on fractional exhaled nitric oxide in 9-11 year old inner-city children. Nitric Oxide. 2014 Aug 31;40:60-6. doi: 10.1016/j.niox.2014.05.008. Epub 2014 May 27. PMID: 24878380; PMCID: PMC4133318.DOI
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