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Bohr, TomasHjorth, Poul G
Holst, Sebastian C
Hrabětová, Sabina
Kiviniemi, Vesa
Lilius, Tuomas
Lundgaard, Iben
Mardal, Kent-Andre
Martens, Erik A
Mori, Yuki
Nägerl, U Valentin
Nicholson, Charles
Tannenbaum, Allen
Thomas, John H
Tithof, Jeffrey
Benveniste, Helene
Iliff, Jeffrey J
Kelley, Douglas H
Nedergaard, Maiken
Journal title
iScienceDate Published
2022-08-20Publication Volume
25Publication Issue
9Publication Begin page
Show full item recordAbstract
We review theoretical and numerical models of the glymphatic system, which circulates cerebrospinal fluid and interstitial fluid around the brain, facilitating solute transport. Models enable hypothesis development and predictions of transport, with clinical applications including drug delivery, stroke, cardiac arrest, and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease. We sort existing models into broad categories by anatomical function: Perivascular flow, transport in brain parenchyma, interfaces to perivascular spaces, efflux routes, and links to neuronal activity. Needs and opportunities for future work are highlighted wherever possible; new models, expanded models, and novel experiments to inform models could all have tremendous value for advancing the field.Citation
Bohr T, Hjorth PG, Holst SC, Hrabětová S, Kiviniemi V, Lilius T, Lundgaard I, Mardal KA, Martens EA, Mori Y, Nägerl UV, Nicholson C, Tannenbaum A, Thomas JH, Tithof J, Benveniste H, Iliff JJ, Kelley DH, Nedergaard M. The glymphatic system: Current understanding and modeling. iScience. 2022 Aug 20;25(9):104987. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104987. PMID: 36093063; PMCID: PMC9460186.DOI
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