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Porcelli, JayKeyword
Creative writing
Science fiction
Gender identity
Coming of age
Jansma, KrisHolland, Mary
Term and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This thesis consists of the first ten chapters of the novel The Migration, along with art and maps describing the world in which the story takes place. The novel, which could best be described as a science fiction backpacking story, takes place in an alternate world where people evolved from birds rather than apes. This alternate world also has the Link, an empathic connection between every living thing on the planet. The story is told through the perspective of Kaz, a nonbinary freshman in college who is embarking on the Migration, a two-month flight that follows the path of migratory birds. The process of writing the first ten chapters, part one of three in the novel, took place over two semesters. The first semester mostly involved brainstorming, world building, and writing down ideas in non-chronological order. In between semesters, I wrote in chronological order and solidified some of my ideas. During the second semester, I continued writing in chronological order until I reached chapter ten. I also revised and fine-tuned my work, and worked on making maps and solidifying my world building. In the future, I plan to write parts two and three of the novel. Part one is week one of Kaz’s journey, part two is weeks two through four, and part three is weeks five through seven. I plan to complete about thirty chapters total.Accessibility Statement
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