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Lococo, JoshKeyword
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Aesthetic subjects::TheatreMarlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593 -- Doctor Faustus
Term and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
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Cast of Characters: Christopher “Kit” Marlowe: Frozen in time in the afterlife at age twenty nine. He is insanely intelligent, quick-witted, irreverent, and blunt, especially with the perspective he has gained in the great beyond. He calls it like he sees it with even less hesitation than he did in life. He has a sense of bravado and self-confidence that make him a rather guarded person- nothing seems like it can get to him. However, when talking about things he is passionate about, observations he is particularly proud of, or sharing his writing, he is more vulnerable and reveals himself to be down to earth, perceptive, and self-aware. Perhaps, in those moments, he could even be considered sensitive. Faust: Kit’s infamous character who is now doomed to the hell Kit wrote him into forever , and his resentment of Kit for that is absolutely apparent. His disposition is that of an apathetic teen- he does what’s asked of him but he thinks it’s stupid and he doesn’t even wanna be here. Like any angsty teen, he also has absolutely no filter and will say whatever biting remarks enter his mind. But he also may not be just that.Accessibility Statement
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