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Fleming, JoshuaKeyword
ChristianityAfrican American
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Religion/Theology
Black studies
Cultural studies
Devlin, MegTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
My thesis discusses the nature of the inextricably interwoven dynamic of Christianity and African American culture. My major is English with a concentration in Creative Writing, and through my study of the nature of religion as it pertains to the African American community, it has expanded into the need for multiple different venues of research. Mainly being the utilization of online as well as school library resources. Essentially, from the period of slavery to modern day, religious and spiritual influences shaped the African American community into one that is fueled by a constant need for liberation. It goes into detail about terms such as liberation, the different black theologies that developed over the last few hundred years and the difference between religion and spirituality. These distinctions are necessary in understanding the dynamic nature of Christianity and African American culture respectively.Accessibility Statement
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