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Dee MarieKristine DeFio
Chris R. Motto
Erik Zajaceskowski
Aaron Mc Dowell
Scott DeVinny
Steve Cunningham
Marie Beshures
Melinda Campbell
Steve Cunningham
Tracy Wargo
Jeffry Scott Gugick
Dan Damon
Martin Steinberg
Todd Williams
Kara MacPherson
David Girvin
Tina Ambrosio
Kate Kane
Ron Throop
Glenn Miller
Kristen L. McKeown
Tad Kilgore
Saul Taupin
Darle Doran
Laura Molinelli
Date Published
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Great Lake Review is SUNY Oswego's student-edited literary and art magazine. Great Lake Review is published, in general, every semester, and contains primarily student art work, poetry, fiction, and other literary works.Collections