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Katherine SemtnerSean Treacy
David Spano
Sarah Hebblethwaite
Kristy Winks
Carl Holtje
Kim Trela
Kevin Drake
Julie Bednar
Bret Gillan
Daphne Gruzman
Selena Carroll
Ann Gray
Sandra Yannone
Sarah Beckwith
Mark Mazzoli
Merrilee Witherell
Allison Bernstein
Kenton Morales
Andrew McIlwraith
Nick Mazzeo
Mark Wilton
Craig Nelson
Valerie Dielman
Sarah Askew
Ryan Orilio
Alfred D'Amico
Greg Shemkovitz
Jim Smits
Kayoko Natsume
Keith Baldwin
Stella Woodward
Jillian J. Stankewich
Date Published
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Great Lake Review is SUNY Oswego's student-edited literary and art magazine. Great Lake Review is published, in general, every semester, and contains primarily student art work, poetry, fiction, and other literary works.Collections