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Ellen MarkowitzRobert Mahardy
Richard Olson
Melanie Pyke
Deborah Smith
Leslie Loeffel
Denise Cummings
John Zalenski
Valarie Shader
David Aeschbacher
Bill Sloan
Gerri Forman
Wilfred J. Baez
Susan Cranshaw
Pat Gesler
Diana Abu Jaber
Kerry McNally
Anthony D. Harding
Laraine Yolde
Claudette Widdel
Nora Madonik
Paul Gaffney
Rich Natoli-Rombach
Bill Sloan
Daniel W. Van Riper
Date Published
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Great Lake Review is SUNY Oswego's student-edited literary and art magazine. Great Lake Review is published, in general, every semester, and contains primarily student art work, poetry, fiction, and other literary works.Collections