Recent Submissions

  • The Impact of Colorism on Early Childhood Learners

    Thibault, Olivia (SUNY Oneonta, 2022)
    Racism within the United States of America has transformed itself countless times to make itself virtually undetectable to those who have the privilege to remain ignorant of its monstrous effects. However, the children of the affected communities are often introduced to the reality of racism fairly young as a means of survival. Unfortunately, children of color no longer have the luxury of remaining oblivious to how the world will treat them. This has become abundantly clear in recent years as child victims of police brutality like Tamir Rice and Andre Green have become frequent (Bump, 2021). From an early age, children of color now must come to terms with the knowledge that they will not always be treated in the same ways as their white counterparts. This inequality may even be exposed to them by their early childhood educators.
  • Letter from the Editor

    Gregov, Aleksander (SUNY Oneonta, 2022)
    Although my tenure as Managing Editor has felt relatively short, for me it has been nothing less than invigorating. The first time I had ever heard of SOAR was around the first winter of the COVID pandemic, confined indoors to my home and hundreds of miles away from the campus I was supposed to be at. However, I had tried to keep some semblance of what a student nearing the second half of their undergraduate career was supposed to do, which was to talk about rigorous and meaningful academic opportunities with whichever professors actually knew me. I was unsure of where these conversations would take me as I had only talked to two teachers in the Sociology Department. With one of these professors, specifically Professor Awash, we discussed potential online opportunities for a student who wanted to pursue and prepare for graduate school or other post-graduation work. Out of the several listings he gave, he remembered one called SOAR. He stated, in what felt like a child listening to an elder recall an old mystical tale, about how this had been an academic journal that was the shining example of what a student would want to participate in. After this brief snippet, I was hooked. I asked him “what's going on with the journal now?” He said how, like with most clubs and organizations, they had essentially dissolved because of COVID. If I wanted this journal to be an experience, I had to help rebuild it from the ground up.
  • Rape and Power in Eighteenth Century London, England

    Nicolari, Deanna
    In London, England, rape was a prevalent crime throughout society in the mid-eighteenth century. During this time, rape was defined as "...unlawful and carnal knowledge of a woman, by force, and against her will," (Olsson, 2013). Though both men and women can be raped, this paper will specifically look at men who committed the crime against women and young girls. Men were able to commit rape by exerting their power over the women and young girls, whether by using physical strength, weapons, threats, or with the help of the severely lacking criminal justice system.
  • Personality, Non-Aggressive Antisocial Behaviors, and Mental Health

    Le, Jennifer U.; Berrios, Lillian (SUNY Oneonta, 2022)
    While there is abundant research on material theft, there is little investigation on compulsory theft. The present study aims to expand the current knowledge on compulsory theft, substance use, and non-aggressive antisocial behaviors in general. The primary goal of this study is to distinguish people who steal for relief from those who engage in a wider variety of antisocial behaviors and those who use substances recreationally from those who may have substance abuse problems. We will distinguish these individuals by personality traits and general mental health.