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Hintermeier, LauraDate Published
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Introduction: Sedentary behaviors (SB) are sitting/reclining activities requiring low energy expenditure such as watching television, reading and desk work. The average person spends eight hours sitting per weekday. Current literature suggests SB may contribute to the development of risk factors for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. The first year of college is a transition period for freshmen as it provides a new level of independence and freedom to determine how they spend their time. Therefore it is of particular interest to determine their time spent engaging in SB as their life time habits become established. Purpose: To examine the amount of time college freshmen in spend various SB. Methods: College freshmen completed The Patient-centered Assessment and Counseling for Exercise Sedentary Behaviors Questionnaire (PACE-SBQ) and a demographic questionnaire. The PACE-SBQ estimated time spent in nine SB on a typical weekday (WD) and weekend day (WED). Participant data was examined by WD and WED and gender by using paired sample t-tests, and independent sample t-test. Descriptive statistics are presented means ± standard deviations. Results: There were sixty participants in the study (17 males and 43 females; 18.1±0.3 yrs; 93.3% Caucasian). Students spent the most time engaged in deskwork (WD: 2.15±1.22 hr/d, WED: 2.25±1.50 hr/d), watching TV (WD: 1.14±1.22 hr/d, WED: 2.11±1.50hr/d), and listening to music (WD: 1.29±1.30 hr/d, WED: 1.44 ± 1.40 hr/d). There was a significant difference in time spent in total SB on a WD (6.42±2.95 hr/d) compared to a WED [(7.98±3.62 hr/d), t (59) =-3.774, p < .0005] for the entire group. On a WD men spent significantly more time (0.56±0.38 hr/d) compared to women [0.16±0.40 hr/d; t(30.83)= 3.58, p=.001] playing computer/video games. Similarly on a WED, men spent significantly more time (0.97±0.81 hr/d) compared to women [0.24±5.1 hr/d; t(19.66)=3.56, p=.003] playing computer/video games. There was statistically significant difference in time spent doing artwork/crafts on a WED for males (0.00±0.00 hr/d) and females [0.11±0.28; t(41.0)=-2.51, p=.016].Conclusion: College students engaged in 6-8 hrs/d of SB with the most time spent engaged in desk works, TV viewing and listening to music. College freshmen were sedentary for approximately two hrs/d more on a WED compared to a WD. It is important to address the trends in SB in order to create interventions to prevent negative life-long habits from forming.Collections