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Lee, GeuryungKeyword
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Aesthetic subjects::ArtAbstraction
Painting Exhibitions
Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The subject of my work is spatial relationships. As an abstract painter, I use marks, symbols, gestures, color, texture, shape, and value to convey situations, context, and emotional states of being. Through my current work, I am expanding and refining my visual vocabulary. When I am creating a painting, I do it as a means of telling my story and releasing my emotions, aiming for catharsis. For my works, I produce a series of paintings that communicate not my specific story, per se, but the tension and sensations I feel, which I believe are essentially common in the human experience. I use an abstract vocabulary to convey sensations and states of beings. I am interested in building a variety of textures in my work to create communication and contrast between areas of the canvas. I commune with the viewer through my work, and I convey specific energy or feeling through my process.Accessibility Statement
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