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Qu, MengnanKeyword
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Aesthetic subjects::ArtEnamel
One-child policy
Pottery Exhibitions
Installations (Art) Exhibitions
Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
In recent decades, the structure of the Chinese family has been transformed by the government’s One Child Policy. Urbanization and industrialization have further complicated the social shifts that have resulted in rapid and unbalanced transformation. I use the traditional Chinese form of the calabash as a canvas to explore and record stories that illustrate these social shifts. These stories demonstrate the impact of this policy and its transformation of China. These calabash objects suggest that everyday life can be surreal, ridiculous, and absurd. This paper supports my Calabash work series, providing important cultural context, material and technical information, academic statistics, and media reports of the stories told.The following license files are associated with this item:
- Creative Commons
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