University Colleges
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Why Patients Miss Their Appointments, Health Care No-Show AppointmentIn healthcare, extensive data is collected daily to track patient appointments, whether for routine checkups or evaluations of specific symptoms. However, missed appointments are a common issue with significant implications for both patients and healthcare providers. For patients, missed appointments can delay the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions, potentially worsening outcomes. For clinics and hospitals, no-shows lead to inefficient use of resources and lost opportunities to deliver care to other patients who may need it urgently. This study aims to leverage predictive analytics to identify patterns in missed appointments. Specifically, it will explore whether certain health conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, or demographic factors, including age, gender, and neighborhood, are associated with a higher likelihood of missing appointments. By analyzing these correlations, the study seeks to provide insights that can inform strategies to reduce no-show rates, enhance patient care, and optimize resource allocation within healthcare settings.
Analyzing Factors Contributing to Pedestrian Fatalities Using Predictive ModelsPedestrian fatalities are a significant issue worldwide, particularly in the United States. These fatalities stem from various causes, including distracted driving, speeding, inadequate road maintenance, and poor visibility due to weather conditions. The risk also varies heavily by area and population density, with high-traffic and high-speed regions often prioritizing vehicle flow over pedestrian safety. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) collects extensive accident data involving pedestrians. Using this dataset, we aim to build a classification model to predict the likelihood of one or more fatalities in a traffic accident given key factors like road conditions, weather, time of day, speed and more. The goal of this research is to leverage predictive modeling to identify high-risk situations and develop intervention or fast reaction strategies. By combining NHTSA data with machine learning techniques, this study enhances our understanding of critical risk factors. Furthermore, it explores the potential for practical applications, such as improved road safety tools, safer urban planning, and real-time alert systems.
Cultural Literacy in MAinstream Education Through Creative DanceThis is a work that was thought of as a means to educate students through dance. The following is an investigation of how I propose this will occur including reasoning, research and summary.
The effects of invasive knotweed (Fallopia japonica) on invertebrate communities in western New YorkJapanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica [Houttuyn] Ranse-Decraene) is one of the most aggressive invasive plant species. It shades out and displaces native plants by forming thick, fast-growing thickets and may also affect invertebrate communities. By impacting invertebrate communities, knotweed can disrupt animals across the food web, causing declines in bird and frog populations. The goal of this study was to determine how Japanese knotweed impacts invertebrate communities, and if the degree and severity of knotweed impacts are seasonal. To try to capture as many types of invertebrates as possible, we used pitfall traps as well as designed a cost-effective window trap alternative using a painted plastic bottle. We placed fifteen pairs of pitfall and bottle insect traps in three seasons in invaded areas and nearby control areas across seven parks in western New York. Twenty-six different orders of invertebrate were collected. While some invertebrates, such as spiders and weevils, were negatively affected by knotweed across all seasons, for others the impacts of knotweed were seasonal. However, some invertebrates, such as springtails, were positively affected by knotweed in one or more seasons. We also found that Japanese knotweed consistently had strong negative effects on flying invertebrates, and very few effects on ground-dwelling ones. Our research demonstrates that it is important to consider both taxa and season when investigating the effects of an invasive species on an ecosystem.
Resources to support addiction counselors: A qualitative investigationBackground and Objective: Counselors have high burnout rates caused by demanding workloads. The objective of this research was to identify possible resources which could make a substance use counselors’ job easier. Methods: This qualitative study collected its information through interviews done over the phone or in person. Results: The counselors answers identified they feel overwhelmed and often have to multitask, which creates feelings of stress. Conclusions: A resource guide of group activities could help ease the stress caused by having to multitask.
Institutional Quality and Foreign Aid Effectiveness: The Future of Corruption and Foreign Aid FlowsThis study examines the relationship between institutional quality and the effectiveness of foreign aid, using corruption as a key indicator. Institutional quality, often emphasized in policy discussions, plays a pivotal role in determining the outcomes of aid initiatives. Previous literature has emphasized the dependency of foreign aid effectiveness on good institutional quality. To evaluate this relationship, a Corruption Index is used as a representative of institutional quality; a factor most talked about in policy making. Using machine learning techniques to analyze whether corruption hinders economic growth and development by undermining the foreign aid effectiveness. Through a panel data approach, aid, foreign direct investment, gross domestic product per capita, and the Corruption Index, are used to predict the future direction of corruption and GDP per capita, which serves as a proxy for the efficiency of foreign aid. The analysis employs multiple machine learning models, with Random Forest and XGBoost demonstrating the highest accuracy. These models suggest that in the future, corruption is likely to decline while GDP per capita is projected to rise, indicating that foreign aid flows may become more effective as corruption diminishes.
Predicting the Risk of Depression Based on the Patient's Chronic Diseases and Other Physiological AttributesThe prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and chronic respiratory conditions contributes significantly to global mortality rates. In addition, there is growing evidence that links mental health disorders to physical activity, body mass index (BMI), and chronic diseases, highlighting their importance in public health research. This study investigates the intricate relationship between chronic diseases and depression, employing innovative Machine Learning techniques to predict depression likelihood based on various health comorbidities. Results indicate that Naive Bayes consistently outperforms other models, highlighting its potential for accurate predictions. The trade-off between specificity and accuracy, however, highlights the necessity of balanced datasets in real-world applications.
The Hidden Ecosystem: the Microbial World of Red-Backed SalamandersEach organism has a complex microbiota that protects the organism from pathogenic microbes, while simultaneously occupying residency on the surface of the host. There are several factors that can contribute to microbial diversity, such as anthropogenic, abiotic, and biotic factors within their habitat. Red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) are found across the northeastern US in a variety of different habitats. We aimed to collect and culture salamander epidermal microbes along an urbanization gradient (Point au Roche State Park, Rugar Woods, and the Paul Smiths VIC- control and 2-aged silviculture stand) to evaluate microbial diversity patterns. At each site, 15 salamanders were located under microhabitat (e.g., rocks, logs, leaf litter), weighed, and measured before swabbing dorsoventral surfaces. Swabs were streaked across plates and were allowed to grow at ambient temperatures for a week. Morphotype diversity was calculated based on the richness and abundance of colonies on plates across sites. Samples of both common and unique morphotypes were sent off for sequencing. Salamanders were more commonly found under rocks at Rugar Woods as compared to all other sites respectively. Additionally, red-backed salamanders at Point au Roche were notably larger than Paul Smiths VIC and Rugar Woods. Bacterial morphotype richness was greatest and least at Rugar Woods (urban) and Point au Roche State Park (agriculture), respectively. Findings at Rugar Woods suggest that rocky substrate may support greater microbial richness as compared to coarse woody debris. Common salamander bacteria include Microbacterium liquefaciens, Pseudomonas moraviensis, Chryseobacterium scophthalmum, and Stenotrophomonas rhizophilia all species associated with soil, water, and plant rhizosphere. Chryseobacterium scophthalmum is associated with amphibian disease and S. rhizophilia is known to possess anti-chytrid and other antifungal properties. Our research sheds light on how landscape management, specifically understory conditions and complexity, can influence salamander condition and microbial diversity and potentially influence disease risk within the herpetofaunal community.
Dissenting Voices Volume 13 (Spring 2024)Volume 13 of Dissenting Voices, a student engineered e-Journal collaboratively designed, authored, and published by undergraduate Women and Gender Studies majors is an extension of their Women and Gender Studies Senior Seminar at SUNY Brockport. This volume showcases the work of six incredible feminist scholars who poured their time, passion, sweat, and maybe even a few tears into their contributions to the project.
Cinema and the Portable SpectacleThis paper explores the relationship between the cinema and the political concept of the spectacle. The spectacle characterizes a society of passivity, social and psychological alienation, reality's absorption into representation, and capitalist acceleration. In the spectacle's early development, the cinema, in its mainstreams, was the art form most commensurate to the spectacle's ends. Moviegoers gather to submit to moving images that in some ways portray a world more convincing than lived reality itself. But as the spectacle has evolved to fit into our pockets, as media has become more immersive, interactive, and socially isolating, how has its relationship to cinema changed? As the project guided by the myth of "total cinema" is taken up by video games and virtual reality experiences, how do spectators relate differently to cinematic images? This paper argues that today the cinema today is a place to slow down, not to speed up; it can facilitate a shared artistic experience distinct from the individuated ones of streaming television and social media. Perhaps it can even be a space where spectators antagonize the unconscious qualities of their spectatorship.
Under the TentWhen an anxious circus newbie and her gang of performers discover the untimely death of their ringleader, they are determined to cover it up and continue their nationwide tour with as little distractions as possible. Welcome to Circus Rosario! Circus Rosario is a family circus that has been performing and travelling across and outside of the country for well over 40 years. When the beloved, yet failing, business loses the face of their performances in a comically tragic manner, the ensemble of circus performers must learn to be flexible in ways they could never imagine. No matter how comedic and ridiculous, there will always (maybe) be consequences for our performers.
Unionizing the Recording Industry: An Analysis of the Barriers Between Musician Unions and SongwritersCommercial musicians in the United States have faced a long and storied history of exploitation and labor abuses by corporations like record labels and streaming platforms. Despite the active presence of music labor unions and similar organizations in American society, most singers/songwriters within the recording industry still need quality union representation to advocate for improving their labor conditions. Through thorough research and interviews with aspiring recording artists, this paper will analyze the barriers preventing recording artists from collectivizing within the music labor movement and how these issues can be circumvented.
The Evolution of Care for Individuals with Disabilities in NYS: An Exploration of the Positive Outcomes from New Laws on the Lives of Individuals with DisabilitiesThis study examines the evolution of care and treatment for individuals with disabilities in New York State psychiatric institutions, focusing on the transformative impact of legal reforms and advocacy that have taken place over the last century. Exposs such as Geraldo Rivera’s investigation of Willowbrook State School and Letchworth Village have exposed the horrific conditions faced by patients in these institutions. By investigating the historical mistreatment within these “specialized� institutions like Letchworth Village and Willowbrook State School, research shows a transition toward improved care conditions and rights for individuals with disabilities. Landmark cases like The Protection and Advocacy System in the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 1975, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of that same year, The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act of 1980 and eventually the Americans with Disabilities Act brought into effect by President George W Bush in 1990, reveal the rise of care for disabled Americans has significantly increased but still needs federal mending. Making sure to emphasize the substantial changes that emerged from landmark cases and legislation, my project aims to describe the positive changes and developments in disability care and the ongoing challenges in ensuring equitable treatment and integration into society for these individuals whose care has been belittled and denied in the past.
FART TAILS FAIRY TALESFART TAILS AND FAIRY TALES is a culmination of all my dreams. My wants and my need to transcend. Through the cyber space and whimsy of fairytales I'm able to explore themes of gender, intimacy, sex, and love. <3 :p
Understanding Westward: A comprehensive survey of political thought in the era of western slave expansionThroughout the formation of American historical study, the American West and its Frontier have been under perpetual analysis and revision since the late 19th Century.
Language Learning AidThis projects aim is to resolve challenges in second-language acquisition by creating a software application that integrates language learning with media, specifically those in image formats. Traditional methods lack the engagement that research suggests enhances learning outcomes and bolsters retention.Using the theories from Krashen, Pica, and others as a basis, the application attempts to leverage comprehensible input to enhance user’s sentence structure understanding, learning retention, and learning efficiency. Using technologies such as optical character recognition (OCR) and dictionary integration through apis, the software extracts language data from images, providing users with definitions from an input language to a target language. Initial development focused on Javascript, Python, and Tesseract OCR for text extraction, with plans for expansion into scalable frameworks like Django to support personalized learning tools. By using language learning research as a basis this project attempts to create a fun, effective, and efficient application to provide an avenue for language learners to enjoy foreign media whilst effectively achieving learning outcomes. LINK TO PROJECT:
The Impact of Technological Advancement in Silicon Chips on the Economic Performance of the Semiconductor IndustryIn this paper we examine the effects of research and development and annual growth rate of two of the most renowned companies in the semiconductor industry on the overall revenue of the semiconductor industry as a whole. In our analysis we show that overall performance in the semiconductor industry is heavily impacted by the strides in research and development but unrelated to the performance of the top individual companies producing silicon chips. Our findings that we arrived at through regression analysis imply that advancements in technology ultimately positively affect the overall revenue of the industry, however no correlation between its major players performance was found.
OverloadOverload is a motion graphics piece that visualizes auditory over-stimulation. With this project, I aim to help others feel seen and understood and provide a vehicle for others to communicate what they are experiencing.
Funding Dance in the United States: Deficiencies and PossibilitiesThe paper explores themes of the lack of funding in dance, dance career prospects, and ways to help fund the arts. The arts bring so much to different communities and providing funding to these organizations makes a huge impact. Possible solutions that are explored include focusing on the audience companies are performing in, collaborative residencies, interacting with grade students, unionizing, having special events, workshops, being active on social media, engaging with the community, product sales, crowdfunding, and written appeals. More funding opportunities will grow the arts community and field overall.