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dc.contributor.authorMakarewicz, Joseph C.
dc.contributor.authorLewis, Theodore W.
dc.descriptionPart of the Lake Ontario Watershed Located in Orleans County, NY Funded by the Orleans County Soil and Water Conservation District
dc.description.abstractMarsh Creek is located in the southern portion of the Lake Ontario watershed, Orleans County, New York. The watershed flows into Oak Orchard Creek near its mouth on Lake Ontario at Point Breeze, New York. A branch of Marsh Creek, is known as Beardsley Creek, and was sampled as part of the study, Also Otter Creek, which also drains into Oak Orchard Creek, was sampled two times to access whether further segment analysis is warranted at another time. The purpose of this study was: 1. To identify sources of nutrients, soils and salts within the Marsh Creek watershed; 2. To identify the relative contribution of Otter Creek to Oak Orchard Creek compared to Marsh Creek; and 3. To determine whether sources of pollution in Otter Creek should be investigated further? To answer these questions, the Soil and Water Conservation District of Orleans County along with the Center of Applied Aquatic Science and Aquaculture at SUNY Brockport undertook the process of identifying the point and non-point sources of nutrients and soils by stressed stream analysis or segment analysis. With this report, we provide evidence suggesting the location and the intensity of pollution sources in the Marsh Creek watershed including Beardsley Creek and give some indication of the magnitude of sources in Otter Creek. We have identified six areas/sources in the Marsh Creek watershed that have consistently had high levels of nutrients, soils or sodium. What follows is a synopsis of what pollutants are being lost and where the sources are located. Event specific saps are included in the narrative to locate these sites. In addition, Figure 2 is a map summarizing the source locations and parameters.
dc.subjectLake Ontario Watershed
dc.subjectTechnical Report
dc.subjectMarsh Creek
dc.subjectOrleans County
dc.titleSegment Analysis of Marsh Creek: The Location of Sources of Pollution
dc.description.institutionSUNY Brockport
dc.description.publicationtitleTechnical Reports (Water Resources)
dc.contributor.organizationThe College at Brockport

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