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This report evaluates the potential environmental impact of proposed maintenance dredging at Cape Vincent Harbor, New York, by the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers. Field samples were obtained in autumn 1978 and spring and summer 1979. Data reports based on these sampling efforts were submitted earlier to the Buffalo District of the U,.!S. Army Corps of Engineers. In this report, the impact of dredging at Cape Vincent Harbor is considered in relation to physical and chemical conditions, terrestrial vegetation/wetlands, aquatic macrophytes, macrobenthos, phytoplankton and zooplankton, fish, birds, endangered species and toxic chemicals. For each factor considered, sections entitled Existing Conditions are followed by our Assessment of Impact. The last section presents our conclusions and recommendations concerning the general impact of dredging on the Cape Vincent – St. Lawrence ecosystem.Description
Presented to the Buffalo District of the U.S. Army Corps of EngineersCollections