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dc.contributor.advisorHouston-Wilson, Cathy
dc.contributor.authorMcCabe, Trevor
dc.description.abstractAbstract As people progress throughout their childhood, team sports and lifetime activities are hobbies that most adolescents choose to participate in during their secondary schooling years (grades 7-12). Lifetime activities are being taught to students in hopes that they will be able to live more active lifestyles on their own as they progress throughout life. Team sports are taught and participated through physical education lessons or organized sports. Physical activity levels are crucial for adolescents to understand in order to reach MVPA (moderate to vigorous physical activity). There are many tools that can assist with measuring these physical activity levels, however, an accessible and reliable tool would be: heart rate monitors. These heart rate monitors provide students with the information to understand multiple forms of heart rate zones and how they are connected to their physical activity levels. Most students in secondary schools begin to decline in terms of physical activity. Sports become extremely competitive as people get older and sedentary lifestyles start to become more frequent. The review of literature will examine the connection between heart rate monitors and MVPA levels in secondary school students (grades 7-12). Keywords: Heart Rate Monitors, MVPA Levels (Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity), Lifetime Activities, and Heart Rate Zones.
dc.subjectHeart Rate Monitors
dc.subjectMVPA Levels (Moderate To Vigorous Physical Activity)
dc.subjectLifetime Activities
dc.subjectHeart Rate Zones
dc.titleThe relationship between the use of heart rate monitors and MVPA levels of secondary school students (Grades 7-12)
dc.description.institutionSUNY Brockport
dc.description.departmentKinesiology, Sport Studies and Physical Education
dc.description.degreelevelMSEd in Physical Education
dc.description.publicationtitleKinesiology, Sport Studies, and Physical Education Synthesis Projects

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