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FREDERICK DOUGLASS - FRANKLIN FINANCE HURRICANE RELIEF PROJECT 2OO5 Our schools have joined together to raise money to give to the Red Cross for hurricane relief. We have implemented five different fundraisers to accomplish our goal. We performed these activities in October and November. Car washes Bottle and can drive Homebase race Candy sales Interest pledges (monthly) We have developed a model in Stella to show income, expenses, and profit for the car washes and candy sales. We have direct donations from the Homebase race and bottle and can drive. We also tied in an interest income element from soliciting teachers to pledge an interest percentage per month on October and November revenues. We used a SMARTBoard to draft much of our work in Word (for candy flyers) and Excel (pie charts to show our Homebase race) and as we put our PowerPoint presentation together. Students used a digital camera to photograph our activities and downloaded pictures to incorporate on our posters and into our PowerPoint presentation. We used a TI-84 to add up our monies. Students spent a lot of time rolling coins so we did not have to pay a store a percentage of our earnings. While working on our project, students earned a sense of pride and individual responsibility by performing community service as they learned to use new technologies. The car washes were our kick-off and became a rewarding source of fundraising. The students were inspired by the generosity of our community both on campus and off. Our project has allowed students to learn and use technology, but has also provided them the experience of giving of their time to make the world a better place!Description
Questions, comments or suggestions about this model may be sent to Dr. Leigh Little, llittle@brockport.edu, The College at Brockport.Collections