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Whitman, SteveKeyword
CMSTLesson Plan
Interactive Physics
Lab Guide
Hooke's Law
Projectile Motion
Data Analysis
Newton's Laws
Kepler's Laws
Circular Motion Dynamics
Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
98 page Interactive Physics Lab Guide including labs on: TITLE EQUIPMENT Hooke's Law springs Cons of Energy: IP Sim: stopping d vs V,m,g IP Range of a Projectile CPO: marble launchers Newton's Second Law CPO: cars & ramps Atwood Machine Atwood Pulleys Circular Motion Dynamics Circular Motion Apparatus Conservation of Energy: Rollercoasters CPO: Rollercoaster Planetary Motion: Kepler's 1st & 2nd Laws Computer Lab Planetary Motion: Kepler's 3rd Law Computer Lab Ballistic Pendulum PowerAide Bottle Ballistic Pendulum Conservation of Momentum: 1D Collisions Air Track SHM Kinematics: Bunjie Jumper Spring - Mass System Electrostatics: Coulomb's Law Coulomb's Law Demo Electric Field Mapping Pasco E Field Map ApparatusDescription
Questions, comments or suggestions about this model may be sent to Dr. Leigh Little, llittle@brockport.edu, The College at Brockport.Collections