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dc.contributor.authorPell, Eleanor C.
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dc.description.abstractBody image involves perceptions and attitudes toward one’s own physical appearance (Phillips & deMan, 2010). Although female athletes have been given the most empirical attention, body image is also critical to the male athlete experience. The ideal male body is associated with leanness and muscularity (e.g., Baghurst 2009). Beyond attempting to meet societal expectations, male athletes may also experience pressures to maintain an ideal physique for their sport. For example, wrestlers may need to cut weight (Marttinen et al., 2003) while football players may need to increase size (Chatterton & Petrie, 2013). Although body image may be positive in many instances, some male athletes may experience body dissatisfaction or develop a psychiatric condition called muscle dysmorphia (e.g., Morgan, 2000). The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the importance of body image among male athletes, the potential pressures to alter one’s body in male athletics, and strategies for prevention.
dc.subjectBody Image
dc.subjectNegative Body Image
dc.subjectEating Disorder
dc.subjectMuscle Dysmorphia
dc.titleBody Image in Collegiate Male Athletes: Education and Awareness on an Underexplored Topic
dc.description.institutionSUNY Brockport
dc.description.publicationtitleThe Spectrum: A Scholars Day Journal
dc.contributor.organizationThe College at Brockport

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  • The Spectrum: A Scholars Day Journal
    The Spectrum: A Scholars Day Journal, is a faculty juried, cross-disciplinary, electronic journal. Its goal is the publication of outstanding, student produced scholarship presented at the College at Brockport annual Scholars Day. Scholar’s Day, which was instituted in 1984, is an annual celebration of scholarly pursuits by the campus community.

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