Brockport Communication Theses
Recent Submissions
A Description of the Approaches to Communication ApprehensionThe relationship between speech and personality has been an area of study for many years and is understood to reflect both self-identity and communication proficiency. This thesis project surveys the major methods utilized in the treatment of communication apprehension, commonly described as stage fright or speech anxiety, specifically an “average person” in an educational setting. The research was centered on a clarifying question - what are the major methods of treating communication apprehension as revealed through a survey of textbooks and journals? The literature research notes several causes of speech tension such as societal expectations and performance guilt and further explores the human response to stress in relation to public speaking. It discusses the differing definitions by scholars, and explores systematic desensitization, its practices and effectiveness. Closing comments encourage the integration of basic communication skills training to improve student’s social and academic lives.
Susan B. Anthony: The Rhetorical Strategy of Her Constitutional Argument (1872)Susan B. Anthony’s speech on "The Equal Right of All Citizens to the Ballot" marked a pivotal point in the woman's suffrage movement—whether women already had the right to vote or whether a constitutional amendment was needed to give it. It set forth for the consideration of the general public--those who may be called as the jury of her peers---the constitutional argument for woman's suffrage based on citizenship. In a sense, Anthony was taking her case directly to the people. This could affect the outcome of her trial particularly, and the woman's movement generally. Considering the importance of the disposition of this trial a study of the rhetorical situation and the rhetorical strategies Anthony used in this speech would be valuable. This study analyzes and evaluates the rhetorical strategies, such as the use of credibility, logical and emotional appeals and identification with audience values, used by Anthony in her speech in Monroe and Ontario counties prior to her trial for the crime of voting illegally.
To our Readers : A Study of Guilt Redemption in Newspaper CorrectionsWith journalism credibility at its lowest ebb, more newspapers are taking time to correct mistakes and apologize for errors. In this thesis, I use Kenneth Burke's theories to analyze newspaper corrections through guilt-redemption, purification and image restoration strategies. This study looks at two types of redemptive rhetoric and image-restoration strategies: front-page apologies and daily corrections from four newspapers. The front-page apologies are from The News Examiner and the Cincinnati Enquirer. The daily corrections are from The New York Times and the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. This thesis contends that newspapers should use mortification in corrections and apologies because it is the proper rejoinder in maintaining credibility with readers, even when victimage is the preferred strategy of guilt redemption.
Mesmerized by MTV: Youth's Contemporary Yin YangThis thesis project endeavors to define the predominant rhetorical messages of MTV. MTV has made a drastic impact upon the media field, the youth culture, and the world. By use of a cluster analysis, I have suggested some of the overriding themes propagated. I have approached this by dividing the thesis into three sections. Section I provides an overview by looking at some of the research previously conducted on MTV. It examines the history, a brief look at the content, and the responses to MTV. Section II is the substantive portion of the project sharing the results and findings from the cluster analysis. Each of the five most frequent and intense images and clusters are fleshed out in a chapter respectively. Finally, Section III serves to draw some conclusions from the cluster analysis presented in Section II. Based upon the information revealed through the clusters, and with the help of some further research of others' findings in relation to youth and MTV, the final chapter comments on the role of MTV in the value formation of contemporary youth. MTV's celebration of its tenth anniversary brought many "decade specials" as well as numerous articles and documentaries analyzing the decade. In seeking to be as objective messages teenagers. as possible, I have set forth to critique the being communicated to MTV's primary audience,
Amos and the Rhetoric of Prophetic UtteranceWe can only agree that the arrangement of the Book of Amos reveals too many missing portions of the speeches to cause a constant flow of discourses. But when seemingly complete or whole sections are read individually, there is a deliberate and more cohesive organization apparent. But within his discourses there is a conscious arrangement of proofs and examples, an orderliness of thought patterns which lead the listeners to his anticipated goal. Even when he cites historical events there is a sequential order of chronology. Admittedly, it is difficult to read the Book of Amos and appreciate the editor's re-arrangement, for it breaks the pattern of Amos' sequence of thought, and the proper motivating force of each utterance. Therefore, there is a greater possibility of losing the fullest understanding of Amos in his mission.
Bob Dylan And The "New Left": A Case Study of a Protest Singer's Role in Influencing the Listeners' Attitudes, Values and BeliefsThe late 1950's and the early 1960’s in America was the scene of a movement to overthrow the reigning symbols of authority. Bob Dylan was a rhetor who became a "prophet” for this movement. In fact, Dylan’s ability to state issues both simply and poetically made him perhaps the most prophetic of the movement's rhetors. This movement first took root in the 1950’s in the movement for “civil rights” and the establishment of the “New Left.” The latter was an organization of intellectuals who, spurred by the thoughts of C. Wright Mills, grouped for the purpose of nuclear disarmament and the maintenance of peace. This began to emerge as the movement for “peace” and became entwined with the civil movement to form an even larger movement which opposed the reigning symbols of American authority. This study deals with the rhetor who was probably the most successful in expressing the values, attitudes and beliefs of this opposition movement –Bob Dylan. It is, more importantly, an attempt to discern the motives of Bob Dylan and the movement, the rhetorical strategies of Bob Dylan and the success of Dylan and the movement. In its finality this study will attempt to measure the overall effect of Bob Dylan, a rhetor who, dissatisfied with the reigning symbols of American authority, tried to actualize his dream, persuade the uncommitted Americans, and promote the actualization of a perfect American social order.