Scholarship: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 582
The Honey ManShort fiction about a man who is overrun by bees.
The LandingShort story alternating past memories and current reality.
Break Up Letter to 2023Describing the personal highs and lows of 2023
LikeFree verse poetry
SenescentProse poem detailing memories and loss of grandmother.
Inconsistencies: A Poem Inspired by Nikki GiovanniDetails instances of inconsistency in the world.
Grave PlaygroundPoetry and video combine to describe the imagined state of a playground abandoned as all the children have grown up.
Health Education Curriculum and AssessmentThis emotional and mental health unit was designed to create a dynamic learning experience centered around fostering communication skills and strategies aligned with NYS and National Health Education Standards. Participants of this unit were provided with ample opportunities to learn, practice, and apply proven communication skills that contribute to the health and safety of themselves and others. The primary focus of the unit was to answer the essential question, "How can one use health strategies and communication skills to contribute to the health and safety of oneself and others?" through a comprehensive approach. Recent data has shown that learning the skill of communication with relationship management and emotional and mental health is one that adolescents in NY State need. Specifically, to the school community, this unit was created for (NYC Lab HS). The unit focused on teaching evidence-based verbal and non-verbal communication skills, including speaking and listening skills, and offered authentic role-playing experiences throughout the unit to help participants have multiple opportunities to practice and demonstrate their understanding of the communication and relationship management strategies/skills learned. The scaffolding approach of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments supported participants in their quest to answer the unit's essential question and focus. This approach allowed participants to self-assess, clarify/understand, and further improve their understanding of the skill being learned and its health benefits. The approach of allowing students to assess their misunderstandings of a skill and its implementation in the real world, and then making observable adjustments based on their self-corrections and awareness, allowed participants to take ownership of their learning experience. This approach fostered an easy and confident transition of the use of the learned skills in a real-world situation, ultimately answering the unit's essential question/focus.
The DECIDE model: A guide to better health related decision makingThis publication has been checked against freely available accessibility tools and deemed accessible. Should you have a problem accessing it, please email for assistance.
Identifying Sources of Self Confidence in Collegiate Athletes and Factors that Affect itThe importance of self-confidence within collegiate level athletes has increased tremendously in recent years. Identifying the sources of self-confidence is the first step to understanding the roots of it within collegiate athletes. The next step is reviewing factors that influence it. These factors could include coaches, peers, or the climate the athlete competes in. Understanding how to positively or negatively affect self-confidence, could allow an athlete to compete to their highest potential. The purpose of this synthesis project is to review the literature on the sources of selfconfidence in collegiate athletes.
The Prevalence of Eating Disorders Among Male Collegiate AthletesEating disorders have been a common topic surrounding collegiate athletes. Previous research has been mostly geared towards female athletes due to societal stigmas. Over time, research has shown that male collegiate athletes are just as susceptible to developing eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors. Although it is a less common issue for males, previous research has shown that disordered eating behaviors such as excessive exercising and supplement use are quite common for male collegiate athletes. Male athletes are now being viewed as an at-risk population for developing eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors due to the sports they participate in, pressures in and out of sport as well as the lack of education in athletic departments. The purpose of this synthesis was to review the literature on the prevalence of eating disorders among male collegiate athletes.
The Effect of Eating Disorders on Sports Performance in Elite or College AthletesAs the sports world has pushed performance levels to new heights, elite athletes are pushing boundaries to find ways to increase their performance. With increased pressure on elite performance, the importance of understanding eating disorders in elite or college athletes has become increasingly important. Analysis of previous research of eating disorders in elite athletes has shown that performance decreases as the prevalence of eating disorders or disordered eating is shown in elite athletes. Research also shows an increase in mental and emotional health challenges when elite athletes have eating disorders or experience disordered eating habits. It has been suggested that to prevent future eating disorders in elite athletes, education of all athletic personnel and athletes is vital to keeping athletes safe. The purpose of this synthesis was to review the literature on how eating disorders affect the performance of elite and college athletes.
The Impact of Parental Involvement on their Child’s Participation in Organized SportsAs youth sports have become a foundation to developing skills and traits for young athletes, parents also play a crucial role in the development and wellbeing of the child. Analysis of previous research on parental involvement in youth sports shows both positive and negative factors relating to the child’s experience and health. Research shows that parents that are negatively involved in their child’s athletics can create stressful environments as well as decrease the child’s confidence and self-esteem. Positive involvement, however, can create a strong bond between the parent and child and increase confidence and self-esteem. Finding the proper balance of involvement can allow the child to flourish and enjoy their sport as much as possible. The purpose of this synthesis project is to review the impact of parental involvement on their child’s participation in organized sport.