Recent Submissions

  • Desarrollo de Valores y Destrezas Sociales Apropiadas por Medio de la Educación Física y el Deporte: Una guía para maestros y entrenadores

    Samalot-Rivera, Amaury; The College at Brockport (2017-01-01)
    El propósito de este libro es el de proveer al maestro y la maestra de educación física, como a los y las entrenadores una herramienta valiosa para implementar estrategias efectivas de enseñanza en valores y conducta deportiva apropiada en estudiantes y atletas. Además, proveer información sobre el Currículo de Enseñanza de Conducta Apropiada por medio de la Educación Física y el deporte (Samalot-Rivera, 2007), currículo validado en contenido y aprecio social. Con el diseño de este currículo se realizaron dos investigaciones (estudio piloto e investigación principal) que han demostrado la efectividad del mismo en la sala de clase de Educación Física. Se provee también un ejemplo completo de los planes diarios utilizados para implementar el currículo, así como se ofrecen situaciones (estudios de casos) por las cuales se podrá guiar la enseñanza de cada una de las destrezas de las tres unidades del currículo: 1. conducta apropiada al perder, 2. conducta apropiada al ganar y 3. conducta apropiada durante el juego. Finalmente, se ofrecen hojas sueltas de cada destreza enseñada en el currículo con pasos a seguir a la hora de enseñar a los estudiantes la forma adecuada de cómo llevarlas a cabo. Un resumen sobre modelos existentes ya estudiados para la implementación del desarrollo de valores en el campo de Educación Física y deporte también son provistos, como: Juego Justo del Modelo de Educación Deportiva (Siedentop, Hastie & van der Mars, 2004); el Modelo de Responsabilidad Social (Hellison2003); y Logrando la Victoria con Honor con los Seis Pilares del Carácter (Programa Adoptado por el Departamento de Recreación y Deportes de Puerto Rico). El libro termina ofreciendo estrategias para implementar estos los modelos. Abstract in English: The purpose of this book is to provide physical education teachers and coaches, with a valuable tool to implement effective strategies for teaching values and appropriate sports behavior in students and athletes. In addition, it provides information on the “Appropriate Behavior through Physical Education and Sports Curriculum” (Samalot-Rivera, 2007), that was content and socially validated. Two investigations (pilot study and main research) were conducted obtaining good results and demonstrating its effectiveness. This book includes a complete example of a daily plan used to implement the curriculum, as well as case studies that guide the teaching of the three curriculum units: 1. appropriate behavior when losing, 2. appropriate behavior when winning, and 3. appropriate behavior during games. Worksheets of each skill taught in the curriculum are provided with steps to follow when teaching students the appropriate way to behave. Finally, a summary of existing models already studied for the implementation of values development in the field of physical education and sport are provided, such as: Fair Play of the Sports Education Model (Siedentop, Hastie & van der Mars, 2004); The Social Responsibility Model (Hellison2003); and Achieving Victory with Honor with the Six Pillars of Character (Program Adopted by the Department of Recreation and Sports of Puerto Rico). The book ends by offering strategies to implement these models.
  • Columna deportiva: artículos sobre deporte, ética y sociedad

    Tamburrini, Claudio M.; Torres, Cesar R.; The College at Brockport (2016-06-01)
    Este libro es una colección de artículos publicados originalmente en diversos periódicos y revistas durante los últimos quince años en los que indagamos sobre varios aspectos inquietantes de la locura deportiva.
  • Substance Abuse Interventions: Catalysts for Change: Criminal Justice and Community Collaboration

    Metz, Gary; Lumb, Richard C.; The College at Brockport (2017-01-01)
    The premise of this book is to address the substantial number of people who enter the criminal justice system, accompanied by alcohol or substance abuse issues. Offering alternative and supplemental help impart value as it seeks to improve intervention, treatment, and prevention to the return to violence and personal harm. Interceding with individuals at this step in the process allows them to consider continued professional assistance to their addiction, and to refrain from criminality and seek out a more productive and fulfilling life. The added interjection by police and others in the criminal justice system substantially increases the potential for drug elimination to an addicted person. It takes place at an opportune time and serves a legitimate purpose. The intent of this book is to examine entry points for intervention and assistance to people entering or within the criminal justice system. This early intervention step begins with controlled implementation and seeks to engage the individual in a pathway forward that does not include drugs. The authors explore the opportunity, strategy, and models of intervention that bring promise to reducing substance abuse.
  • Gilgamesh and the Great Goddess of Uruk

    Maier, John R.; College at Brockport (2018-05-01)
    As early as five thousand years ago the Sumerians who were developing a complex city-state based on plow agriculture and animal husbandry in what is now southern Iraq illustrated their culture in great vases, one band of which can be interpreted as a “Sacred Marriage” between the highest power in the universe, the Great Goddess “Inanna” (in Semitic Babylonia and Assyria “Ishtar”). In the very complicated scene at the topmost band of the Uruk Vase the goddess raises the status of her human lover to semi-divine status. The position he held the Sumerians called en, and on the vase he is seen receiving from the goddess a symbolic wrap and a cap that indicate his new status. The most famous of the Sumerian ens was an Urukean known a “Bilgamis” later “Gilgamesh,” and his exploits are recounted in a variety of poems, epics as important to his people as Odysseus and Achilles were to the ancient Greeks. From the 4th millennium BCE Uruk Vase to the 1st millennium BCE versions of Gilgamesh poems the peoples of Mesopotamia celebrated the often combative relationship between the en and the Great Goddess.