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Recent Submissions

  • Biological Study of Irondequoit Bay

    Haynes, James M.; Dilcher, Ronald C.; Norment, Christopher J.; Zollweg, James A.; Parnell, Nicholas F. (New York State Department of State, 2002-12)
    : Irondequoit Bay is a major ecological resource in western New York, and much has been done for 30 years to improve its water quality and maintain its natural physical and ecological features. Although many studies have been done on selected groups of flora and fauna (particularly aquatic) in and near the Bay, this is the first comprehensive study of the biological resources of the Bay since the New York State Biological Surveys in the 1930s. This study provides scientific data to support recommendations for land and water use in the Irondequoit Bay Harbor Management Plan, and it provides a benchmark for future studies as development and natural resource management occur in the study area.
  • Fishes in Muddy Creek, Erie National Wildlife Refuge-Seneca Division, with Emphasis on Host Species for Federal and State-Listed Freshwater Mussels and State-Listed Fishes Final Project Report for the Erie National Wildlife Refuge

    Haynes, James M.; Wells, Scott M. (SUNY Brockport, Department of Environmental Science and Ecology, 2006-05)
    Muddy Creek, Crawford County, PA is one of 10 major sub-basins of the French Creek watershed. The portion of Muddy Creek that flows through the Erie National Wildlife Refuge-Seneca Division provides habitat for 22 species of freshwater mussels, including two federally- and state-listed as endangered and one federal candidate species. The purpose of this project was to sample for fishes in the portion of Muddy Creek flowing through the Erie National Wildlife Refuge-Seneca Division to determine the presence and distributions of host fishes for federally- and state-listed freshwater mussels and of state-listed fishes. We collected 48 species of fish (3,221 individuals) including 24 of the 31 species in the French Creek watershed reported to serve as mussel hosts (1,023 individuals) and seven of the 24 state-listed fishes (177 individuals) thought to live in the French Creek watershed. We present new fish data, the associations of freshwater mussels and their host fishes at 19 sampling sites, and the listing status (by the Pennsylvania Natural History Program) of the sampled fishes and reported mussels.
  • Factors limiting colonization of western New York creeks by the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)

    Miller, Steven J.; Haynes, James M. (Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 1997)
    The Erie Canal in western New York state provides water to many streams during the summer and is a potential source of invasive species, such as the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Yet the Zebra Mussel is not found in those streams except immediately downstream from where canal water enters them. Given appropriate physical habitat, water quality and an abundant source of veliger larvae, the factors limiting Zebra Mussel colonization in the stream we studied remain unknown, but three factors appear to be important: 1) Partial retention of veligers by the wetland through which the canal discharge flows, 2) Filtering of phytoplankton and veligers by the dense bed of adult Zebra Mussels at the beginning of the outfall channel from the canal to the creek, or 3) Inappropriate food quality (e.g., lack of phytoplankton with important fatty acid constituents) in the creek.
  • Swimming performance and behavior of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and white perch (Morone americana): effects of attaching telemetry transmitters

    Mellas, Ernest J.; Haynes, James M. (Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 1985)
    We conducted experiments to determine effects of external, surgical, and stomach tag attachments on the swimming performance and behavior of Rainbow Trout (a representative long duration swimming species) and White Perch (a representative short duration swimming species). Only one rainbow trout changed dominance rank after dummy tag attachment. Subordinate trout had significantly lower weights than subdominant and dominant fish, but there were no significant differences in swimming exhaustion times. Externally tagged trout had significantly lower exhaustion times than other tagged trout and controls. White Perch did not establish dominance hierarchies, and there were no significant differences in exhaustion times among tagged White Perch and controls. Externally and surgically tagged White Perch contracted serious fungal infections during a 45-d survival study; however, few diseases and no survival problems were noted among tagged and untagged Rainbow Trout up to 21 d. Considering all factors, it appears that stomach tagging is the best method of transmitter attachment, except when regurgitation or stomach atrophy are likely to be encountered.
  • Comparison of Walleye Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) information with habitat features of a Walleye spawning stream

    Lowie, Christopher E.; Haynes, James M.; Walter, Ryan P. (Jounral of Freshwater Ecology, 2001-12)
    We compared habitat conditions in a stream where Walleye successfully produce fry and compared them to a nationally applicable Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) model for Walleye. During a 2-3-week migration period in each of 3 years, Walleye were observed spawning; eggs were collected primarily in April and fry in May each year. Water depths, velocities and temperatures were at the lower end of or below the optimum ranges described in the HSI for spawning Walleye; however, random sampling indicated that optimum conditions for these parameters generally did not exist in the stream. Substrate, dissolved oxygen, and pH in the stream were optimal according to the HSI. Our results indicate that predictions using the HSI alone are not sufficient to identify regional streams where Walleye might successfully establish viable populations.
  • Fall movements of Pacific Salmon in Lake Ontario and several tributaries

    Keleher, Christopher J.; Haynes, James M.; Nettles, David C.; Olson, Robert A.; Winter, Jimmy D. (New York Fish and Game Journal, 1985-07)
    In the fall of 1982, 15 radio-tagged Pacific Salmon exhibited typical pre-spawning and spawning movements in Lake Ontario and several of its tributaries. There were no significant differences in daily and hourly movement rates between Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Chinook Salmon (O. tshawytscha). Salmon homed strongly to streams where they had been stocked 2-3 years earlier (64%); correlations between precipitation events and movements in the lake, stream entries and stream exits were low (r < 0.27; and angler mortality among fish entering tributaries was high (78%).
  • Benthic Macroinvertebrate communities of Southwestern Lake Ontario Following Invasion of Dreissens

    Haynes, James M.; Stewart, Timothy W. (International Association of Great Lakes Research, 1994)
    Changes in benthic macroinvertebrate communities inhabiting natural cobble and artificial reef substrates in southwestern Lake Ontario were quantified before and after the invasion of dreissenid mussels in the late 1980s. Dreissenids comprised 79% and 93% of the cobble and reef communities in 1991-1992 (post-invasion) and replaced the amphipod, Gammarus fasciatus, which was the most abundant species at both habitats in 1983 (pre-invasion). Total abundance of non-Dreissena species was significantly greater in 1991-1992 than in 1983. Comparisons of macroinvertebrate community similarity in 1983 and 1991-1992 indicated that previously established taxa did not change substantially between sampling periods, but their proportions in the community did. Although many factors may have contributed to the changes we observed, our results support theories that Dreissena is facilitating energy transfer to the benthos by pseudofecal/ fecal deposition and that mussel colonies are providing additional habitat for other invertebrate taxa.
  • . Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in southwestern Lake Ontario following invasion of Dreissena and Echinogammarus: 1983-2000.

    Haynes, James M.; Tisch, Nancy A.; Mayer, Christine M.; Rhyne, Randall S. (Journal of the North American Benthologic Society, 2005)
    Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were quantified at natural cobble and artificial reef sites in Lake Ontario in 1983 (7 y pre-Dreissena invasion) and in 1991-1992 and 1999-2000 (1-2 and 9-10 y post-Dreissena invasion, respectively). Overall, the natural cobble community had higher species diversity and community abundance than the artificial reef community. While taxonomic composition of both communities remained consistent during the study period, organism abundance (excluding Dreissena) increased sharply from 1983 to 1991-1992, and that all taxa declined to 1983 levels by 1999-2000. From 1991-1992 to 1999-2000, Dreissena bugensis, which mostly replaced D. polymorpha, and Echinogammarus ischnus (all invasive species) appeared in the studied community. We conclude that the transition from D. polymorpha to D. bugensis and processes associated with the ongoing oligotrophication of Lake Ontario are responsible for the reduced density of large-bodied Dreissena in the nearshore region of the lake, and that changes in the Dreissena population are largely responsible for changes in the non-Dreissena benthic macroinvertebrate community.
  • Survey of Buttonwood Creek, Monroe County, NY to Determine Habitat Availability for and Relative Abundance of a Species of Special Concern, the Pirate Perch (Aphredoderus sayanus)

    Haynes, James M. (SUNY Brockport Department of Biological Sciences, 1994-06-02)
    We determined how much suitable habitat for Pirate Perch remains in Buttonwood Creek, sampled those habitats to determine where the species still exists in the creek, and predicted the likely impact of a bridge replacement and associated channel alterations on the Pirate Perch population
  • Preliminary Survey of Fish Communities in Three Tributaries of the Braddock Bay Watershed.

    Haynes, James M. (SUNY Brockport, Department of Biological Sciences, 1987-11)
    SUNY Brockport collaborated with Monroe County, New York to assess fish communities in three tributaries of Braddock Bay with different development histories: Northrup Creek, Larkin Creek and Buttonwood Creek.
  • Building Global Relationships: OER and Collaborative Online International Learning Courses

    Orzech, Mary Jo; Zhang, Jie; Kegler, Jennifer; Pearlman (University of Rochester), Ann; Greenfield (Syracuse University), Victoria (Sage Journals, 2023)
    Using Open Educational Resources (OER) in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) courses provides students and faculty the opportunity to share content, enhance knowledge, and develop intercultural competence across geopolitical and other boundaries. Faculty perceptions at the research site regarding benefits and challenges of using OER are consistent with positive findings of other OER research that validate its potential. This case study describes experiences of two college courses taught with different international partners. It shares the journey of co-planning, implementing, and revising assignments highlighting OER instructional materials. Technology and accessibility considerations influence the curricular decisions for each course. They demonstrate how the timely availability of relevant OER content can be particularly impactful for international learning environments like COIL. The article underscores the faculty-librarian-instructional designer collaboration throughout the project and offers suggestions for future study.
  • Institutional Repository Migration: Opportunity for Change

    Laird, Dana; Orzech, Mary Jo; O'Sullivan, Pam; Wierxbowski, Ken (Association of College and Research Libraries, 2023)
    Migrating an institutional repository requires a special blend of skill, cooperation, and good fortune. This chapter outlines the mindset and management involved in moving an existing institutional repository from Digital Commons to another platform (DSpace) in a U.S. public comprehensive college library. This article highlights both challenges and opportunities and provides perspective for others considering similar undertakings. The migration required clear goals, tools, and administrative expertise. It prompted timely discussion about enhanced user experience, process improvements, inclusive patron practices, and sustainability.
  • Fall movements of brown trout in Lake Ontario and a tributary.

    Haynes, James M.; Nettles, David C. (New York Fish and Game Journal, 1983-01)
    Movements of radio-tagged brown trout during pre-spawning, spawning and post-spawning periods were studied in Lake Ontario and Sandy Creek (Monroe County, NY) from September through November 1980. Until mid-October, most of the brown trout remained offshore in deep water during the day and moved inshore to shallow water at night, after which fish began to move upstream to spawn. In November, after spawning, tagged fish moved offshore to deeper water.
  • Comparison of benthic communities in dredged and undredged areas of the St. Lawrence River, Cape Vincent, N. Y.

    Haynes, James M.; Makarewicz, Joseph C. (Ohio Academy of Science, 1982)
    Macroinvertebrate communities were compared in dredged and undredged areas of the St. Lawrence River near Cape Vincent, N. Y., by sampling with a Ponar dredge in spring, summer and fall seasons. Total macroinvertebrate abundance was greater in undredged areas. Differences in total invertebrate abundance and relative abundance of individual species in dredged and undredged areas appear to be related to the presence of gyttja-type sediments caused by breakwater construction and dredging operations at least 40 years ago.
  • Movements of Pacific Salmon in Lake Ontario: Evidence for wide dispersal

    Haynes, James M.; Keleher, Christopher J. (Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 1986-06)
    After radio tagging, Pacific Salmon (Coho and Chinook) dispersed widely along shore (spring) and throughout Lake Ontario (summer) in 1984. They did not occupy areas near shore after water temperatures exceeded 9-10 oC, except when winds produced upwelling of colder water at the lake’s surface close to shore in summer. No significant differences were observed between the two species re: distances moved, daily movement rates, and water temperature occupied. One fish moved at least 500 km during 4 months of tracking.
  • . Disseminating Successful Undergraduate Science Curriculum Adaptation and Implementation Strategies and CCLI-ND Grant-Writing Techniques: Regional Workshops Led by Successful Innovators and Experienced Investigators, Evaluating Faculty Change Processes and Assessing Student Understanding of STEM Concepts

    Haynes, James M.; Hluchy, Michele M.; Connolly, Mark R. (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2004)
    From 1980-2006, we showed multiple cohorts of undergraduate faculty how environmental impact analysis can be used in their STEM courses to tie together scientific concepts and theories, research and analytical techniques, and mathematical and communication skills appropriate to address local environmental problems. During more than 20 summer workshops (5 days to 3 weeks), we chose themes of Stressed Stream Analysis or Great Lakes Ecosystem Dynamics because those topics allowed us to demonstrate (and for participants to learn hands-on) new, ecologically based approaches to pollution control and to use spreadsheet models to explore the movements of pollutants in ecological systems. Faculty participants (mostly from the disciplines of biology, chemistry, geology, and engineering) worked in teams to address the environmental problems presented to them by the workshop instructors then wrote environmental impact statements. In later stages of our workshop activities for undergraduate faculty, we also developed units on developing their capacity to use and modify new assessment instruments to gather better data on student learning and managing the challenges of undertaking significant pedagogical and curricular changes in their courses.
  • Movements and temperatures of radio tagged salmonines in Lake Ontario and comparisons with other large aquatic ecosystems.

    Haynes, James M.; Gerber, Glenn P. (Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 1989-12)
    We used six years of radiotelemetry data (1980-86) to compare movements and temperatures occupied by four introduced salmonine species (174 tagged fish) in the nearshore region of Lake Ontario. Movement patterns, net movement rates, water temperatures occupied, and harvest rates by anglers were generally similar among species and seasons. The movement patterns and thermal habitats of salmonines in Lake Ontario generally were in the mid-range of those report for conspecifics in other large lakes and the North Pacific Ocean.
  • Diel and seasonal movements of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the mid-Columbia River.

    Haynes, James M.; Gray, R.H. (Fishery Bulletin, 1981)
    In the mid-Columbia River, radio-tagged White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) exhibited seasonal and diel movement patterns from 1975-1977. Seasonally, movements >2 km away from release locations began in spring when water temperature exceeded 13 oC and ended in autumn when water temperature fell below 13 oC. Daily, sturgeon exhibited movements among habitats with different substrates, as measured by changes in water temperature during 24-h diel periods. Movement to cooler, deeper areas of the river occurred before sunrise, while movement to warmer, shallower areas peaked after sunset. Because water temperatures varied by only a few tenths of a degree among substrate areas, it is likely that photoperiod influenced sturgeon movements between deeper, darker resting areas and shallower, food-rich feeding areas.
  • Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Southwestern Lake Ontario Following Invasion of Dreissena: Continuing Change

    Haynes, James M.; Stewart, Timothy W.; Cook, George E. (International Association of Great Lakes Research, 1999)
    Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were compared and quantified at natural cobble and artificial reef sites in Lake Ontario in 1983 (pre0-Dreissena invasion), and in both 1991-1992 and 1995 (1 to 2 and 5 years post-Dreissena invasion, respectively). Diversity and abundance of non-dreissenid macroinvertebrates generally rose from 1983 to 1991-1992, but returned to 1983 levels or lower by 1995. Although community similarity (excluding Dreissena from analysis) remained high across study years, the 1995 invertebrate community more closely resembled the pre-Dreissena community of pre-1983 than the initial post-Dreissena community of 1991-1992 because of recent declines in the absolute abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates. In particular, gastropods responded negatively to Dreissena or to associated benthic habitat or community changes that occurred from 1991-1992 to 1995. These results suggest that short- and long-term effects of Dreissena on other organisms may be quite different, and illustrate the need for long-term monitoring of biological communities in order to more fully determine effects of invasive species or other environmental perturbations on ecosystems.
  • Response of Sport Fishes to Thermal Discharges into the Great Lakes: Is Somerset Station, Lake Ontario, Different?

    Haynes, James M.; Gerber, Glenn P.; Buttner, Joseph K. (International Association of Great Lakes Research, 1989)
    To assess potential thermal impacts of Somerset Generating Station on sport fishes, the frequencies and durations of encountering the thermal discharge at Somerset Station were determined by tagging 121 salmonines and 58 centrarchids with temperature-sensing radiotransmitters. Encounters of the Lake Ontario shoreline occupied by Somerset Station averaged 0.7 and 0.1 per fish for salmonines and centrarchids, respectively. Salmonines averaged 5.5 h at the station per encounter. Four centrarchids established residence areas in the lake near the station for 29-79 d; others averaged 3.5 d at the station. Salmonines and centrarchids occupied waters off Somerset Station on 6.7% and 16.0% respectively, of the days they were tracked. No temperatures occupied by fish at the station exceeded critical thermal maxima for salmonines (20 - 25 degrees C) or centrarchids (30 - 37 degrees C). Salmonines occupied heated water >2 degrees C above ambient lake temperatures on 1.3% of the 1,983 occasions when temperatures were recorded, while centrarchids averaged 0.1% of 1,773 observations. Rare encounters of and lack of attraction to the thermal discharge were attributed to characteristics of the discharge (600+ m offshore, small delta T, small volume/area), to unremarkable lake habitat (flat bottom, physically similar to other regions of southcentral Lake Ontario), and to the generally wide-ranging movements of fishes in Lake Ontario. Comparing results from Somerset Station with similar studies at other Great Lakes power stations suggests that discharge design and lake habitat importantly influence the extent of fish attraction to thermal discharges.

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