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Dissenting Voices Volume 13 (Spring 2024)Volume 13 of Dissenting Voices, a student engineered e-Journal collaboratively designed, authored, and published by undergraduate Women and Gender Studies majors is an extension of their Women and Gender Studies Senior Seminar at SUNY Brockport. This volume showcases the work of six incredible feminist scholars who poured their time, passion, sweat, and maybe even a few tears into their contributions to the project.
AGE OF EMPOWERMENT: A FEMINIST DISCOURSE SUPPORTING TRADITIONAL WIVESThis essay seeks to explore the complex historical relationship between conservative women and feminism, examining the religious influences that shape the worldview of trad wives, and synthesizing recent research to elucidate the motivations behind the rise of traditional wives and the feminist discourse surrounding this phenomenon. By delving into these intricacies, I aim to foster a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of gender politics and cultural ideologies in contemporary society.
The Overturn of Roe: Influencing Maternal MortalityThis paper explores the history of abortion in the United States, the overturn of Roe v. Wade, maternal mortality in the U.S. prior to and within the post-Roe era, effects of current abortion restrictions, and the overall devastating reality for many marginalized communities in the United States. Abortion remains controversial, especially within the U.S., and has gained widespread attention since the overturn of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022. We must acknowledge that Church and State be separated when discussing the topic of reproductive healthcare. The right to bodily autonomy and equal and safe access to reproductive healthcare should not be an issue that is debated or politicized. This topic is crucial, as limited and banned abortion access is life-threatening to many individuals in America. I hope to bring knowledge on the detrimental impacts of abortion restrictions and the vital need for safe and accessible reproductive healthcare for all.
MASCULINITY REIMAGINED THROUGH A VEGAN LENS: A MANIFESTOThis essay provides an opportunity to dismantle masculinity and power structures by applying a vegan lens. Part manifesto and part critical analysis of media representations of what it means to be a man, I am exploring this topic using historical, nutritional, and health data. Men are navigating a complex web of cultural norms, stereotypes, and peer perceptions that push a mainstream dietary preference that reinforces traditional notions of strength, virility, and dominance, and that subjugate the idea of veganism. This topic is important because it sheds light on the imbalance of power that exist against amongst various groups of people, highlighting the marginalization of women and animals. I hope readers will see that performative acts of masculinity, often in the form of the consumption of animal products, only further divide the people and animals of the world. There is a better way to navigate a relationship with one another and our Mother Earth. The deep overlap between feminism and veganism must challenge traditional notions of masculinity.
When Colonization is not History: The Continued Exploitation of Palestine, Haiti, and African NationsAn investigation on the reason that most developing countries are underdeveloped and its consequences, with a focus on Palestine and Africa.
Women's Lives in the Middle East and their relation to the HijabWe raise our voices, our fists in resistance. We insist that all individuals should have the right to bodily autonomy and reproductive healthcare. Our goal is to push back against society norms around gender expectations, and we realize the deep connection between veganism and feminism. We, as feminists, advocate for the rights, mental health, and well-being of transgender individuals. We lay bare our frustration and fight through our wearied eyes and souls as we grapple for empathy and equality for all. We recognize intersectionality and use that to combat injustice. Table of Contents: Bek Orr: Note from the Editor…1; Women and Gender Studies Senior Seminar Class of 2024: Our Voices…3; Bella Markarian: Women’s Lives in the Middle East and their Relationship to the Hijab…5; Elisabeth Marryshow: When Colonization is not History: The Continued Exploitation of Palestine, Haiti, and African Nations…12; Jesse Hall: Masculinity Reimagined Through a Vegan Lens: A Manifesto…21; Josie Westmiller: The Overturn of Roe: Influencing Maternal Mortality…35; Keegan J. Beamish: Age of Empowerment: A Feminist Discourse Supporting Traditional Wives…43.
We are not confused: Misgendering Effects on Transgender YouthThe oppression of women is a thread that has woven together cultures and religions from across the world. Though many women have begun to sever that tie; this bond still holds strong within the Middle East. This article asks, How do women in the Middle East view their daily lives? Do they want or need change? Do our internal biases as Americans affect our perception of these women? Specifically, the role of the hijab in women’s religion and activism across the Middle East is e
Effects of Strategies for Promoting Gender Diversity in Leadership Positions in SportsWomen in sports leadership positions is a growing social issue, with increasing attention focused on advancing gender diversity in this male-dominated field. As more organizations recognize the benefits of diverse leadership, gender initiatives have been encouraged targeting women in leadership roles in sports. The purpose of the study is to review the literature on the effects of strategies for promoting gender diversity on women in leadership positions in sports. Additionally, the study highlights the challenges that gender initiatives face. The findings suggest that while gender diversity initiatives have made progress in more inclusive environments, there are still significant barriers that remain.
The Effects of the Foot-Surface Interface on Agility Performance in SoccerAgility, defined as the ability to change direction quickly and efficiently, is a crucial skill in soccer that impacts a player’s ability to outmaneuver opponents, maintain control, and capitalize on scoring opportunities. Agility not only enhances performance by enabling quick and effective responses to dynamic game situations but also serves as an indicator distinguishing higher-level players from lower-level players. Soccer demands agility, and the frequent, rapid changes in direction places significant physical demands on players. Shoe design factors and related accessories, such as high-friction socks and insoles, can influence a soccer player’s agility performance. The purpose of this synthesis is to review the literature on how the foot-surface interface affects agility performance in soccer. It was concluded that while the stud configuration is the primary design factor of agility performance, supplementary accessories like grip socks or friction-enhanced insoles serve as valuable complements for improving stability and efficiency during rapid directional changes.
What impacts parent’s ability to influence their children’s physical activity?This synthesis examines the factors that influence parental involvement in children’s physical activity, focusing on role modeling, socioeconomic challenges, and education. The analysis uses peer-reviewed research from 2001 to 2024 to answer two main research questions: “What affects parents’ ability to support their children’s physical activity?” and “How do socioeconomic status (SES) and education shape parental involvement in children’s physical activity?” The findings show that active parents who offer logistical and emotional support help children develop long-term healthy habits. However, families with lower SES face barriers like limited finances, transportation issues, and fewer resources, while higher-SES families benefit from better access to opportunities. Parental education also plays a role, with higher education levels linked to better support for physical activity. Addressing these gaps through affordable programs, parent education, and community efforts is key to creating equal opportunities for all families. This study also highlights the importance of early parental involvement and the need for support systems to promote active and healthy lifestyles for children.
Can BRICS Bridge the Gap Neoliberal Policies have ignored to Properly Address the Climate Crisis?This article explores how the geopolitical bloc of primary BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) offers alternatives to the neoliberal policies of continuous economic growth and marketcentric approaches affecting environment and climate issues. The distinct economic structures and settings of BRICS nations are posited to collectively go beyond existing policies toward a more sustainable and equitable global response to the climate crisis. Four country archetypes (Green Dream, Innovation Wins, Great Wall of Change, and Surfers) presented by the Shell scenarios are described as representing different approaches to clean energy adoption. BRICS countries prioritize government intervention and collective action in contrast to an emphasis on market-based solutions. Their innovative approaches emerge as a formidable force to challenge
The Spectrum: A Scholars Day Journal, V. 8, Issue 1, Fall 2024Scholars Day at State University of New York at Brockport included a variety of presentations and posters in 2024. This 2024 issue of The Spectrum, includes a small sampling of papers from April 2024 Scholars Day event. The sessions showcased a range of scholarly and creative activities in numerous disciplines, subjects, and specific topic areas. They provide evidence of an active intellectual spirit, inquiring curiosity, and encouraging academic activity. Scholars Day 2024 was marked by overall themes intersecting resilience and sustainability relating the Eclipse (April 8, 2024). Special thanks to the Scholars Day Committee chaired by the Office of Scholarship, Research, and Sponsored Programs (Laura Merkl, Matt Kotula, Meghan Irving, and Kim Remley), keynote speaker Dr. Eric Monier, poster judges, students, and faculty who helped to make Scholars Day a success.
The Effects of the Foot-Surface Interface on Agility Performance in SoccerAgility, defined as the ability to change direction quickly and efficiently, is a crucial skill in soccer that impacts a player’s ability to outmaneuver opponents, maintain control, and capitalize on scoring opportunities. Agility not only enhances performance by enabling quick and effective responses to dynamic game situations but also serves as an indicator distinguishing higher-level players from lower-level players. Soccer demands agility, and the frequent, rapid changes in direction place significant physical demands on players. Shoe design factors and related accessories, such as high-friction socks and insoles, can influence a soccer player’s agility performance. The purpose of this synthesis is to review the literature on how the foot-surface interface affects agility performance in soccer. It was concluded that while stud configuration is the primary design factor of agility performance, supplementary accessories like grip socks or friction-enhanced insoles serve as valuable complements for improving stability and efficiency during rapid directional changes.
Relational Understanding of Key Algebraic ConceptsThis curriculum project contains four Algebra 1 exemplar lessons covering relational understanding in topics organized by utilizing the 5E method of instruction. The non-sequential lessons on solving equations, evaluating functions, discovering the slope formula, and discovering the rules of exponents are designed to be implemented with the 5E instructional model and relational understanding (knowing what to do and why). The 5E model structures instruction around engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. The goal is for students to become more familiar with important mathematical concepts and develop essential problem-solving and critical thinking skills. The keys for all student materials can be found in the Appendix.
Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in the Mathematics ClassroomThis Curriculum Project presents Academic Intervention materials to support 7th, 8th, and 9th grade mathematics instruction by providing teachers with differentiated lessons designed to address the diverse needs of learners. The lessons are adaptable for use in both classroom settings and pull-out interventions, ensuring flexibility in implementation. Each lesson includes variations to meet the needs of students at different skill levels and can be further modified to align with other mathematical topics. The primary goal of these resources is to help students close learning gaps from previous years while simultaneously guiding them toward success in their current math curriculum. By offering targeted, adaptable, and effective instructional tools, this project aims to support educators in fostering mathematical growth and achievement among all students. Examples and keys for all student materials are provided in the appendix.
Exploring Quadratic Expressions through the 5E ModelWith the recent pedagogical wave, there has been a transition towards student-centered learning methodologies within mathematics classrooms. Recognizing the evolving landscape of education and the need for personalized learning experiences, a departure from traditional teacher-centered instruction is imperative to prioritize active student engagement through inquiry-based learning and collaborative problem-solving. Empowering students through these approaches fosters deeper conceptual understanding, enhances critical thinking skills, and promotes mathematical fluency. This curriculum project presents four sequential Algebra I lessons exploring quadratic expressions using the 5E Instructional Model. This model, rooted in constructivist principles, provides a structured framework intended to address the new pedagogical wave. The 5E Model can promote a stronger foundation for student knowledge in quadratic expressions and lead to stronger conceptual understanding in Algebra II. Answer keys for all student materials are provided in the appendix.
Algebra in Real Life through Differentiated InstructionNot all students learn the same way or at the same speed, making differentiated instruction in the mathematics classroom critical. This curriculum project provides exemplary lessons built around differentiated instruction and real-world examples. All four of the lessons cover the same standard of proportions and ratios, but they all have students working with different real-world examples to cover the content. The first lesson is on discount prices and percent increase and percent decrease; lesson two is on unit price, lesson three is on unit conversions, and lesson four is on direct proportions. time, or baking cookies, proportions are used to solve problems in so many real-world examples. All lessons provide examples of how to teach the content using differentiated instruction. The keys for all student materials are in the appendix.
Teaching Strategies for Reducing Bullying in Middle School Physical EducationBullying is characterized as a type of aggression towards another that is deliberate and repeated by one or more individuals who hold an inherent power imbalance. (Greco, 2021; Montero-Carretero et al., 2019). In physical education (PE), poor motor skills and performance can make students especially vulnerable to bullying, as their abilities are highly visible and subject to judgment from their peers (Ríos et al., 2023). In PE, physical contact and peer interactions may contribute to bullying behaviors. However, with the correct teaching approach, PE classes could become a pivotal space to combat bullying (Montero-Carretero et al., 2019). Pre-service physical education teachers expressed the belief that physical education could both facilitate bullying and serve as a tool to prevent it (Ríos et al., 2023). They noted a lack of training in addressing bullying and felt unequipped to tackle the issue confidently. When combating bullying, the typical approach is to focus on eliminating bullying instead of promoting prosocial behaviors through the development of well-being (Greco, 2021). Studies showed that students' self-determination motivation in PE was positively affected by a supportive teaching style versus a controlling style used by teachers (Montero-Carretero et al., 2019). One of the teaching strategies that has been shown to reduce bullying is Autonomy Support (AS), which entails acknowledging the child's feelings, embracing their perspective, justifying decisions, offering choices, and minimizing pressure (Montero-Carretero et al., 2019). According to Montero-Carretero et al. (2019), an Autonomy Supportive PE environment positively predicted the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, which, as a result, positively predicted self-determined motivation for physical education.
The Effects of Special Olympics Unified SportsPeople participate in sport for a variety of reasons. Being part of a team creates a sense of social inclusion and allows peers to interact with one another in a positive manner. For individuals with intellectual disabilities social inclusion is sometimes harder to achieve and sport is a tool that can help aid in creating that inclusion. Special Olympics and Unified Sports are two leading programs that help incorporate sports into the lives of those with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of this synthesis is to determine the effects of the Special Olympics Unified Sports programs on participants.
Engaging Learners by Incorporating Flipped Classroom with PolynomialsEngaging students in mathematics instruction and learning is important yet challenging. Incorporating the flipped is one way teachers have found to increase engagement in the classroom. Using the New York State (NYS) Next Generation Mathematics Standards, this curriculum project showcases how teachers can incorporate the flipped classroom through four exemplar lessons. The content focus is polynomials in an Algebra I classroom. Each lesson includes instructional videos for homework and activities during instructional time. The keys for all materials are included in the appendix.