Recent Submissions

  • Rigid Flexibility: Seeing the Opportunities in “Failed” Qualitative Research

    CohenMiller, Anna S.; Schnackenberg, Heidi; Demers, Denise (SAGE Publications, 2020-10-19)
    This article highlights an experience of “failing” within a qualitative research study. Specifically, the authors speak to the failure of recruiting participants in conducting synchronous video and telephone interviews. Drawing from literature in business and examples from research method texts to demonstrate the cross-disciplinary concerns and insights of failure within one’s work, the authors discuss how failure can be reframed as opportunity through the lens of “rigid flexibility” and the innovative steps they implemented. Providing additional insight into the process of framing and reframing failure in research, the authors integrate poetic inquiry as a tool for reflection to highlight their process and suggested steps for new researchers. The authors argue that researchers can approach studies with the idea that failures in the planning and/or execution can lead to opportunities and new insights.
  • Inclusive schooling in Southeast Asian countries: a scoping review of the literature

    Hosshan, H.; Stancliffe, R. J.; Villeneuve, M.; Bonati, Michelle L. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-07-29)
    Most of the Southeast Asian region is comprised of developing countries. This region has a short history of inclusive education implementation and differs from developed countries’ more mature inclusive education systems. This review reveals how inclusive schooling has been implemented in Southeast Asian countries and the current practices in the region. We used scoping review methodology to examine peer-reviewed literature published between January 1994 and January 2017 on inclusive schooling in the Southeast Asian countries. The inputs-processes-outcomes (IPO) model was used to group and describe the extant research. Thirty-eight articles were identified that contributed to region of Southeast Asia inclusive education research. The majority (n = 29, 76%) were published after 2010. The articles were organised by IPO stage: Inputs stage (staff professional and teacher education, resources and finances, leadership, curriculum and policy); Processes stage (collaboration and shared responsibility, school practice, classroom practice and climate) and Outcomes stage (participation). The elements of staff professional and teacher education, and collaboration and shared responsibility were most frequently featured in the literature of the inputs and processes stages. Research information about the outcomes stage of inclusive schooling was sparse. The inclusive education literature from the region is still emerging. A greater focus on outcomes is recommended in future research and practice. Having outcome data will enable evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of inclusive education. If evaluation reveals problems, then aspects of the inputs and processes stages may need to be improved to achieve better outcomes.
  • Examining Preservice Teacher Attitudes and Efficacy about Inclusive Education

    Puliatte, Alison; Martin, Melissa; Bostedor, Emily (2021)
    The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service teacher self-efficacy and attitudes towards inclusion. Participants included pre-service teachers (N = 68) who were all enrolled in a freshman education course. Researchers administered two scales including the Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practices scale (TEIP; Sharma, Loreman & Forlin, 2012) and Scale of Teacher’s Attitudes towards Inclusive Classrooms (STATIC; Cochran, 1997). Results indicate preservice teachers have high self-efficacy and positive attitudes towards teaching students with disabilities.