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Nicholas, EmilyKeyword
Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Aesthetic subjects::MusicMusic -- Psychological aspects
Music therapy -- Study and teaching
Psychotherapy and music
Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This arts-based, heuristic inquiry explores how the act of singing throughout my lifetime helped facilitate the healing of my trauma and how recent vocal psychotherapy allowed for the recognition of this discovery. Reflexive journaling was used to uncover themes after each vocal psychotherapy session and songwriting was used to further explore these themes. This resulted in six songs based lyrically on the themes. These songs paired with the reflexive journals and data collected from journal analysis reflected a timeline of my life that examines how singing was a tool for protective dissociation, growth, healing, and self-discovery. Participation in vocal psychotherapy further examined my healing journey and acted to facilitate a new step in the process: forgiving myself for my perceived mistakes along the way. By re-examining how singing helped me heal in the past, I was able to gain a holistic understanding of my present ideology as a performer, songwriter, teacher, and music therapy student.Accessibility Statement
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