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Ford, Kerry C.Keyword
Research Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Electrical engineering, electronics and photonics::Electrical engineeringResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Information technology::Computer engineering
Biometric identification
Pattern recognition systems
Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Although fingerprint scanning technology is a convenient and user-friendly method of securing many modern devices, it is not without its flaws. In this paper, a methodology for creating artificial fingerprints is presented, as well as the experimental results, in order to display several low-cost techniques that can be used to bypass modern fingerprint sensors. Three methods are employed: direct collection, indirect collection (mold), and indirect collection (copy). First, using direct collection, a mold and cast of a physical fingerprint is created using very low-cost materials. Second, a fingerprint is indirectly collected from a surface and is used to create a 3D printed mold. Finally, a fingerprint is gathered using the indirect collection method, but is then inverted to achieve a higher resolution 3D printed copy of the original finger. Experimental results are presented, showing the effectiveness of the three fingerprint fabrication techniques on optical and capacitive sensors. Experimental results reveal that it is possible to bypass most sensors 80-100% of the time. The artificial fingerprints produced this way are reusable for many months. This was accomplished using widely available tools, and at a lower cost than that which has been previously reported in other research.Accessibility Statement
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