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Van de Bogart, PattyDate Published
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On March 11, 2020, the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, announced SUNY and CUNY Colleges of New York would move to online instruction only, as of March 19, 2020. At the same time, school districts throughout the state were moving their curriculum online, and non-essential businesses were being required to have their workers work at home. The headlines across the state were reminding everyone to “stay home” because of the Covid-19. The news was frightening to some of the Professors, Adjuncts and Teachers all across the state, (especially in K-12). In this paper, I will refer to all folks who teach as ‘Instructors’ or ‘Educators.’ These Instructors, who teach in person, and have never taught an online course, were expressing their concern that their course “could not” be taught on line. My Capstone Project is to create a “Guide” with some ideas to help in this stressful time.