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Constantine, VictoriaReaders/Advisors
Altalouli, MahmoudDate Published
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This thesis capstone project aims to assist teachers, school counselors, and administrators who all work with English Language Learners (ELLs). At Sayville Elementary School, ELLs are a population that keeps growing as the years progress. This group of learners are impacted by the teacher's language output, language practices across disciplines, and the views, interpretations, and motivations of teachers toward academic vocabulary. To increase ELLs academic vocabulary acquisition, Sayville Elementary School must be looked at through a multilayered lens to provide effective changes for Sayville Elementary School District. Solutions to the problem at Sayville Elementary School include implementations of staff lists including faculty that are bilingual or foreign language speakers, changes to school signage, lesson plan templates designed specifically for ELLs, monthly professional development meetings for faculty, and an annual Cultural Welcome night for ELL students and their families. Several culminations are applicable to reducing and eliminating the gap in academic vocabulary acquisition that exists between ELL and non-ELL students. Recommendations include embodying future programs for ELLs and allocating staff to help the school and the population of ELLs. Moreover, programs that were newly established, for instance, the comprehensive vocabulary plan, should be evaluated to aid with obligatory changes for sizable improvement.