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Gransasso, GiannaKeyword
English language learners, language acquisition, response to intervention, professional developmentReaders/Advisors
Altalouli, MahmoudDate Published
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English language learners (ELLs) face a challenge when placed in the correct environment. ELLs have been misplaced in classrooms in the United States. Research highlights the response-to-intervention (RTI) as a way to collect data to ensure students end up in the correct placement. However, teachers need more enhanced professional development in language acquisition and the development of culturally appropriate goals. To address this need, a professional development program is designed in the Lanzarote school district. This program aims to improve data collection, help teachers collaborate, and enhance understanding of language acquisition. Teachers will be equipped with the skills to distinguish between language acquisition issues and disabilities. Using case studies, teachers will learn to collect and analyze accurate data to help their students.