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dc.contributor.authorMarli J, Thompson
dc.identifier.citationThompson, Marli (2023). Increasing Fruit & Vegetable Intake Through the Health Belief Model in Socioeconomically Disadvantage Individuals of St. Lawrence County, New York. Project for completion of MS in Nutrition and Dietetics, SUNY Oneonta.en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: To evaluate how effective an intervention designed using the Health Belief Model is on increasing fruit & vegetable intake. Design: Quasi-experimental Methods: Utilized qualitative and quantitative (with Mann-Whitney U Test). Participants were recruited through a program called Bonus Bucks at GardenShare organization. Data was collected through google forms with a pre and post-test. Setting: Online ZOOM platform. Pre-test & post-test through google forms. Participants: five participants completed the whole intervention online intervention. Intervention: Health Belief Model was utilized to change behavior. Three online sessions were utilized to cover key points in the Health Belief Model including health risks, health benefits, barriers and solutions to fruits and vegetables. Included education on prime seasons of fruits and vegetables and activities to engage participants like discussions and questions. Results: The intervention insignificantly changed fruit and vegetable intake. Behavior change based on the Health Belief Models perceived threats, benefits, solutions, and self-efficacy was insignificant. Conclusions and Implications: As this study is a pilot study further research is needed to eliminate limitations and decrease gaps in the intervention. The intervention to evaluate how effective an intervention based on the Health Belief Model was to increaseen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.titleIncreasing Fruit & Vegetable Intake Through the Health Belief Model in Socioeconomically Disadvantage Individuals of St. Lawrence County, New Yorken_US
dc.typeMasters Projecten_US
dc.description.institutionSUNY Oneontaen_US
dc.description.departmentHuman Ecologyen_US
dc.description.advisorRiddle, Emily
dc.accessibility.statementElectronic Accessibility Statement: SUNY Oneonta is committed to providing equal access to college information by ensuring our digital content is accessible by everyone regardless of physical, sensory, or cognitive ability. This item has been checked by Adobe Acrobat Accessibility Check and remediated with the following result: [Remediation: title//Hazard : nesting failed]. To request further accessibility remediation on this SOAR repository item for your specific needs, please contact

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