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Flynn, Mary Ann S.Readers/Advisors
Ebner Hector, Stella V.Term and Year
Spring 2024Date Published
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The transient nature of time and nostalgia are themes I favor in my work. Through imagery of nature, often landscapes or animals, I document important places and things that bring me comfort. Growing up, I found comfort in the outdoors, a sense of calm in the peacefulness of the trees and animals living amongst them. I create scenes of the small things that help me get through difficult times, moments I feel lucky and want to remember. Through lithography, intaglio, and screenprinting I focused on how line and mark making can reflect the feelings of these memories. Many of the ways I depict these complex feelings are subtle, unnoticeable to the average viewer. Details I used to portray this Calmness often use black inks or muted dark tones in my intaglios and lithographs. Whereas, in my screen prints I apply a brighter color palette to focus more on nostalgia and childhood. While recently looking through childhood artwork I noticed that as an adult I use very similar imagery as I did as a child. I was able to see how patterns I created as a child were early drafts of the artwork I make now. My art has followed similar themes throughout my entire life, but my emotions towards them have greatly changed with age. I create my artwork to process difficult moments in my life. I use it to acknowledge how change and challenging times are unavoidable but, there are still moments of comfort and support that motivate me to continue pushing forward. I continue to create a body of work which inspires not only me but, hopefully others to see the beauty in small moments.Accessibility Statement
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