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Sandoval Orea, AnthonyReaders/Advisors
Lin, CynthiaTerm and Year
Spring 2024Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Senior Written Thesis. In this thesis, I aim to describe an in-depth exploration and reasoning of how these past years have been quite important in the development of my work. Initially, I looked to identify the broader theme surrounding my creative work. However, as I delved deeper into my creative process, it has become quite personal. I've discovered that memories and shared experiences have greatly shaped the way I approach my work. My work is not just about representation. It is a form of reenactment, a way for me to make sense of the significant moments of my life. I write this thesis as proof of the transformative power of art, demonstrating how a personal exploration can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself. Through my paintings, I aim to invite viewers to understand my growth, and my struggles. With the hope that they understand the experiences that one lives, shapes the person that they are today.Accessibility Statement
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