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Foltin, EmilyReaders/Advisors
Ebner Hector, Stella V.Term and Year
Spring 2024Date Published
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My work depicts banal objects and overlooked spaces in an abstract way. Pipes and machinery is a main focus as it is used in every day life to power our cars, heat our homes, and provide ease. The intricacies of it are truly beautiful to me. Experimenting with this as my subject matter has opened my eyes to printmaking in its full capacity. The machinery I choose to work with is something I have always wanted to explore and be able to translate it in an abstract way in my art. Taking chances with print is how I was able to produce work true to myself and free myself of how I am supposed to do things. I have also been utilizing fabric as a way to show banality. Using textures like this in my work to create spaces has been freeing. Looking closely at a texture zooming in onto the best parts of the material is something that carries me over to the next piece. I am able to take what I have and inspire another project; push off to something compelling. Abstraction in my prints moves this equipment from ridged to soft, electric to static, ordinary to elegant. Overall I am drawn to abstraction made by preexisting tangible objects and forms. Abstraction is something that makes the audience Think about what they are seeing. I am more interested in these made abstractions than the actual objects they started as. I purposefully depict different shapes within the shiny surfaces of the metal. This is done to highlight how something so real has abstract shapes hidden within it. These shapes are all confined within a larger space, but create their own outlines and distinct shapes.Accessibility Statement
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