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Waldman, Jenna M.Readers/Advisors
Samara, Timothy J.Term and Year
Spring 2024Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The evolution of design and art movements have morphed and influenced each other over time. Artists are always referencing them in their pieces of artwork, as well as founding new styles. Having researched and collected information about design styles, I produced a book containing fifteen different and important art movements in my work. I included hidden elements on each page as a scavenger hunt, relative to the subject of nature. Each piece had Morning Glories and a butterfly as the main component, and a narrative to transformation. The reason behind having the scavenger hunt was due to being in speech therapy to help with my speech disorder and my difficulties with expressing myself because of my learning disorder. Given the background, it made sense for my project to have the message be about transformation. In addition, I grew fascinated with interactive art. I believe that interactiveness provides another perspective, and different emotions compared to just being able to view artwork passively. My design goal for this project became to create a narrative of transformation, develop and display my skills as a visual artist, and broaden my understanding of diverse art movements, enhancing my ability to recognize and appreciate their unique characteristics. As a visual arts major, rather than focusing on a single discipline, I have developed versatile skills and can adapt to various artistic styles and techniques. This project is a rigorous test of the diverse skills I have honed through years of dedicated training.Accessibility Statement
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