Now showing items 1-20 of 45

    • Non-Analog Behaviour of Eastern African Herbivore Communities During the Last Glacial Period

      O'Brien, Kaedan; Ashioya, Lilian; Faith, J. Tyler (Wiley, 2025-01)
      Modern African ungulates navigate seasonal variation in resource availability through diet-switching (primarily mixed-feeders) and/or migrating (primarily grass grazers). These ecological generalizations are well-documented today, but the extent to which they apply to the non-analog ecosystems of the Pleistocene are unclear. Drawing from serially-sampled stable isotope measurements from 18 Kenyan large herbivore species from the Last Glacial Period (LGP), we evaluate how diet, diet-switching, and migration compare to observations from present-day settings. We find a higher grazing signal in most LGP species and a greater magnitude of diet-switching than in the present. Additionally, we find that the relationships between grass intake, migration, diet-switching, and body size during the LGP were unlike those observed today. This establishes a revised paleoecology of LGP herbivore communities and highlights that LGP herbivores were behaviorally non-analog. Our results imply that ecological observations from present-day settings offer an incomplete perspective of herbivore-environment interactions.
    • Limited herbivore migration during the Last Glacial Period of Kenya

      O'Brien, Kaedan; Podkovyroff, Katya; Fernandez, Diego P; Tryon, Christian A; Cerling, Thure E; Ashioya, Lilian; Faith, J. Tyler (Nature, 2021-05)
      Eastern Africa is home to the largest terrestrial migrations on Earth. Though these migratory systems have been well-studied for decades, little is known of their antiquity and evolutionary history. Serially sampled strontium stable isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) from tooth enamel can be used to track migration in mammals. We analyze 87Sr/86Sr for 79 bovid and equid individuals representing 18 species from four localities in Kenya to characterize prehistoric migratory systems during the Last Glacial Period (115-11.7 ka). Of the species analyzed, 16 lack definitive evidence for migration, including blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), Thomson’s gazelle (Eudorcas thomsonii), and plains zebra (Equus quagga), which are long-distance migrants today in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem and historically in the Athi-Kapiti Plains. Only two species, the extinct wildebeests Rusingoryx atopocranion and Megalotragus sp., were migratory. These findings suggest a possible alternative narrative about ecosystem dynamics during the Last Glacial Period and shed light on the behavior of both extant and extinct species at this time. In particular, these results indicate that migratory behavior in extant species either emerged during the Holocene or was more spatiotemporally constrained in the past. Our results contribute to a growing body of evidence suggesting that the structure and function of geologically recent large mammal communities in eastern Africa differed considerably from those observed in the present-day.
    • Past vs. present: A survey of the fish parasites of the tributaries of Oneida Lake, NY

      Whitcomb, Hannah (2024)
      In 1934, Van Cleave and Mueller completed a study of the parasite fauna of the fish in Oneida Lake and its tributaries, where they documented over eighty species of parasites, thirty-three of which were new descriptions. Since 1934, the lake has undergone many environmental changes which have impacted the invertebrate fauna, mollusks in particular. The present study is a fish parasite survey of twelve tributaries of Oneida Lake undertaken to compare our results to Van Cleave and Mueller’s survey. The methods of this study included the collection of thirty-three fish species via backpack shocking, e-boat and hook and line fishing, partial necropsy of fish to collect parasites and the mounting of parasites for identification using light and scanning microscopes. During the recent survey of the lake, certain species of trematodes that had been reported by Van Cleave and Mueller were considered ‘missing’. Some of the missing species of parasites were found in the survey of the tributaries. For example, we encountered the trematode Bunodera sacculata in seven of twenty-six Perca flavescens. Bunodera sacculata uses a native clam as its first intermediate host, which is thought to have been extirpated from the lake due to invasive species. Additionally, thirty-two species were documented from three other major groups. This survey fills a knowledge gap on the fish parasite data in the tributaries and will add to the current survey knowledge of the lake system. Through an extensive survey of the fish parasites in Oneida Lake’s tributaries, the comparison of my results to Van Cleave and Mueller’s study demonstrates the parasite community in the tributaries are differs from those found in the lake because of several years of change to the watershed.
    • Parasites of Freshwater Fish of the eastern Everglades

      Sawickij, Katerina Demeitrovna (2024)
      A survey of fish parasites was conducted in the Everglades, Florida and examined 31 species of fish from 15 locations across Lake Okeechobee, Stormwater Treatment Area 3/4 (STA-3/4) and Water Conservation Areas (WCA) 3A and 3B. We documented 30 species of parasites, 19 of which were found as adults from the intestines of fishes. We collected 15 of the fish species and 16 of the parasite species that were examined/documented in Bangham’s 1938 survey. Thirteen established non-native fish species were examined and were found to host 14 species of parasites. There was 1 new species, 19 new host records for 5 species of parasites, and 4 new locality records documented. These new records demonstrate the need for parasite surveys in understudied areas of North America (like the southeastern region) to better understand what species are present and what species are utilized as hosts. The changes in the parasite communities in the area demonstrate the extensive environmental changes of the region. A new species of Neoechinorhynchus was discovered in Largemouth Bass in Florida and is described here. A previously known species, Neoechinorhynchus doryphorus, was re-encountered in the Florida Everglades and redescribed here as well.
    • Factors impacting the post release viability of American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus Americanus Oliver) to New York

      Pipino, John A (2024)
      Effects of rapid decline in species numbers often pressures practitioners to rely on both theoretical deduction and observational based evidence when making decisions about reintroductions. The reintroduction of a species cannot be deemed a success simply due to the translocation of a species to its historic home range. Success in reintroduction is often defined as the establishment of a self-sustaining population of locally born individuals. Efforts to reintroduce the endangered American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus; ABB) from the extant population on Block Island, RI back to NY are underway. Our research focused on factors which may impact the survival of ABB once reintroduced to NY. Carrion is an ephemeral resource which burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.) rely upon in raising their brood. Competition for this resource is fierce among burying beetles, carrion flies, and vertebrate scavengers in the northeastern US. Results of our carrion competition study determined that the congener, N. orbicollis will be the competitor that ABB will most likely face during their reproductive season. Our olfactometry study comparing overwinter site selection choices of two populations of N. orbicollis (RI, NY) indicated no significant difference among the choices made. Results from our overwinter survival study in NY forests comparing the survival rates of two populations of N. orbicollis (RI, NY) determined that population significantly affects the rate of overwinter survival. Our results will aid in decisions regarding the timing of ABB reintroduction, site considerations, and the number of ABB released.
    • The State of Round Lake

      Comerford, Sinéad Caitlín (2023)
      This thesis explores the state of Round Lake, a lake within the municipality of Round Lake Vil-lage, Saratoga County, New York State. In this thesis I describe and analyze lake monitoring efforts within Round Lake between 2020–2022 which were performed in order to create baseline data to be utilized in management and future monitoring within Round Lake and/or its watershed. Through my research data and monitoring efforts I describe the geomorphology, biochemistry, and ecology of Round Lake. In this thesis I argue that Round Lake is a highly productive eutrophic lake. I created a management plan based on research and data catered to the state of the lake according to the specific needs of the Village of Round Lake municipality, to be used as a refer-ence for management efforts by the municipality.
    • Population Dynamics of Spawning Walleye in Otsego Lake, NY

      Dower, Hayley B (2020)
      Walleye (Sander vitreus) are recreationally and ecologically important throughout New York State waterbodies. The species has been stocked throughout the state for purposes of establishing and enhancing recreational fisheries and biological control of landlocked alewife populations and milfoil management in the state. In populations supported by large-scale stocking efforts, we rarely collect information about natural reproduction. Walleye were stocked from 2000-2014 in Otsego Lake, New York for biological control of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) with a secondary purpose of re-establishing a recreational fishery. Following the functional elimination of alewife from the lake, walleye stocking ceased and their population has been supported only by natural reproduction. With the collapse of the alewife population and the increased popularity of a harvest-orientation for walleye, the status of the population and the ability to sustain a fishery into the future is currently uncertain. The purpose of this thesis was to characterize baseline population dynamics of spawning walleye in Otsego Lake, NY following successful re-introduction of the species and establishment of wild reproduction. To achieve this, the specific objectives of my thesis were to: 1) characterize spawning walleye demographics (age, growth, sex ratio, and size distribution), 2) estimate annual survival and population abundance of stream-spawning walleye in the lake, and 3) quantify variability in reproductive phenology as related to environmental cues to inform future sampling efforts. Sex ratios of spawning fish were heavily skewed toward males, but the proportion of females in spawning tributaries has increased in recent years. We found that mean size and age of spawning walleye varied between males and females but increased across sexes during the study period. Additionally, estimated population abundance decreased markedly from about 6,428 individuals in 2008 to 1,724 individuals in 2017 before stabilizing at about 868 individuals in 2018 and 748 individuals in 2019. Taken as a whole, these changes suggest that the naturally reproducing walleye population may be stabilizing at numbers lower than were sustained during years of active stocking, which may affect how harvest influences the population in the future. Finally, I was able to create predictive relationships between environmental variables of interest (date, photoperiod, and degree days) that were useful for predicting the initiation of spawning accurately and, with a precision of about one week, to facilitate more efficient sampling of this population in the future. The information provided by this study will facilitate future management of Otsego Lake. Continued monitoring of this population will help resolve or confirm some of the outstanding uncertainties related to current stock status and trends observed.
    • Age, Growth and Genetic Markers of Semelparous vs. Iteroparous American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Upper Delaware River 2020-2021

      Best, Mathew J (2023)
      The goal of this study was to characterize variability in age, growth and life history of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) throughout the upper Delaware River. Both live and dead American shad were collected during spring 2020 and 2021. Sex, length, age, and repeat spawning information were recorded for each individual (n = 512), in addition to whether they were collected alive or dead. Several von Bertalanffy growth curves (VBGF) were created to both test hypotheses about variables affecting the growth rates of American shad, as well as to produce accurate growth estimates for this relatively unsampled portion of the spawning population in the Delaware River. Spawning American shad collected from the upper Delaware River were 6 years old on average. About half (48%) of the fish collected possessed repeat spawning marks. Average fork length decreased and average age increased with distance sampled upstream. A sex-based model was determined to be the best predictor of growth and was combined with the river mile of capture and young-of-year length data to estimate population parameters. The results of this study expanded knowledge about several life history characteristics of spawning American shad in the upper reaches of the Delaware River and can be used by fisheries managers during stock assessment to better predict growth rates and the mortality of American shad spawning in this geographic location.
    • Behavioral Ecology of the Eastern Red-Backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus

      Jones, Richard N (2023)
      Prey animals must balance the need to find food and reproduce with the need to avoid being eaten by predators to maximize their fitness. The Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon cinereus, uses a variety of behavioral and morphological mechanisms to avoid and survive predator encounters. One such mechanism is the ability to lose its tail (autotomy) during an attack and eventually regrow it. Though effective, this ability may also negatively affect the salamanders if they alter behaviors following the attack in ways that could reduce feeding, locomotion, or reproduction. Previous studies have explored altered behavior following tail autonomy but have not differentiated between attacks with and without tail loss. There is some evidence that the intensity of a predator’s attack and subsequent stress response can influence behavior. In this study, we investigated this idea by observing how various behaviors may be affected by predation attempts both with and without tail autotomy. We performed behavioral assays to study escape distance, exploratory movements, cover use, and eating habits in individuals assigned to either a control, attacked with autotomy, or attacked without autotomy group. Results indicate that there is a difference between behaviors following attacks with and without tail autotomy. There was a significant effect of treatment on the escape distance of the salamanders and behaviors following attacks without autotomy were generally more comparable to the control.
    • Understanding Poverty: A Relational Approach

      Seale, Elizabeth (2024-04)
      Dr. Elizabeth Seale, from the Sociology department, delves into her latest publication, Understanding Poverty: A Relational Approach. In her presentation, Dr. Seale explores her motivations behind writing the book, elucidates various forms of poverty, examines poverty as a social relation, and addresses its implications. She sheds light on the pervasive misconceptions surrounding economic adversity and its origins, particularly emphasizing the daily struggles faced by those living in poverty.
    • Genetic Diversity of Rhyacophila fuscula in the upper Susquehanna River drainage basin

      Kletzel, Mackenzie (2023)
      Macroinvertebrates play an important role in freshwater streams (Luell 2020). Different macroinvertebrates have different tolerances to pollution. There are three main groups that these macroinvertebrates can be categorized into whether they have no tolerance for pollution, moderate pollution tolerance and tolerance to pollution (Luell 2020). These different tolerances allow us to use macroinvertebrates as bioindicators to infer the quality of the stream (Luell 2020; Ab Hamid and Md Rawi 2017). Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) are three orders of macroinvertebrates that are commonly used to assess stream quality (Moskova 2008). This work will focus on members of the order Trichoptera, or caddisflies. Rhyacophila is a genus in the family Rhyacophilidae. The genus can be found in North America, Asia, and Europe (Prather et al. 2001). Across North America there are 126 known species (Prather et al. 2001), 34 of which are present in eastern North America and approximately 19 can be found in New York (Prather et al. 2001). In the larval stage, they are aquatic and become terrestrial as adults. Larvae are found in cold freshwater streams with high levels of dissolved oxygen (Prather et al. 2001). Prather et al. (2001) stated that Rhyacophila are univoltine, meaning that they have one generation per year, although some species are known to have multiple cohorts in the stream at any one time (Manuel and Folsom 1982). In the Susquehanna River basin, Rhyacophila have been found, and are commonly encountered, by SUNY Oneonta classes. Manolo Benitez sampled Cripple Creek for a stream ecology course and morphologically identified the Rhyacophila collected as R. fuscula. The overall goal of this thesis research was to identify the most commonly encountered Rhyacophila species found in the upper Susquehanna River drainage basin and examine the population structure amongst 12 different populations.
    • The Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) is an Effective Model Organism for a Variety of Biological Concepts

      Shaw, Bethany K. (2023-05)
      The red-backed salamander (RBS, Plethodon cinereus) is increasingly recognized as a model organism for a variety of biological subdisciplines, in part due to its ubiquity and abundance throughout northeastern North America (Fisher-Reid et al. 2021). These salamanders can be used for both field- and lab-based work as they are human-tolerant (Arenas et al. 2015). Some of the biological fields using RBS as a model organism include terrestrial ecology, amphibian ecology, evolutionary biology, regeneration, ecotoxicology, and animal behavior (Fisher-Reid et al. 2021). These salamanders are ecologically influential in forest ecosystems, where their biomass in some locations exceeds that of birds during peak breeding season and may be equal to that of all small mammals combined (Burton & Likens 1975). Of the eight most studied salamanders RBS is the only Plethodontid salamander; RBS is an important inclusion considering that more than half of all salamander species are part of the family Plethodontidae and many of the species are declining (Fisher-Reid et al. 2021). Because RBS are highly philopatric and abundant, studies of its population genetics have been used to ask biogeographic questions at a variety of spatial and temporal scale (Fisher-Reid et al. 2013, Cameron et al. 2017). In ecotoxicology, RBS have been used to study how military waste products and pesticides enter and affect terrestrial food webs (Johnson et al. 2004, 2007, 2010; Bazar et al. 2008, 2009, 2010). In animal behavior, RBS has been used to describe changes in territorial behavior based on food availability (Jaeger et al. 2016). Considering that amphibians are the most threatened vertebrate class due anthropogenic changes to their habitat, it is important that more amphibian model organisms are included in research so that we may understand them better with the aim to conserve them. This master’s research and thesis focuses on two ways in which we can use RBS as a model organism. Chapter 1 assesses the efficacy of marking RBS with Visual Implant Elastomer (VIE) for mark-recapture surveys. Understanding and implementing best practices for marking RBS or other small, terrestrial animals, can allow researchers to ask and more effectively test ecological questions which require accurate tracking of individuals over time. Chapter 2 describes how RBS tail regeneration can be impacted by different proportions of their tail being autotomized and the implications for a lengthy wound healing process.
    • A Survey on Audience Interests and Expectations for Planetarium Shows

      Stengler, A. Erik (International Planetarium Society, 2021)
      Identifying the public’s interests in astronomy topics helps planetariums create entertaining and impactful shows for their audience. During the creation process for a new show for SUNY Oneonta’s planetarium, a survey was conducted to gauge the public’s interests. A total of 109 participants filled out a digital survey that asked if they had previously attended a planetarium show, what topics interested them the most, and what they would want to learn about and see in a planetarium show. The survey showed that constellations and the Solar System remain popular choices and that beyond that, respondents´ choices may be strongly influenced by their previous exposure to astronomy topics.
    • What Have We Lost? Modeling Dam Impacts on American Shad Populations Through Their Native Range

      Zydlewski, Joseph; Stich, Daniel S.; Roy, Samuel; Bailey, Michael; Sheehan, Timothy; Sprankle, Kenneth (Frontiers, 2021-10)
      American shad (Alosa sapidissima) are native to the east coast of North America from the St. Johns River, Florida, to the St. Lawrence River region in Canada. Since the 1800s, dams have reduced access to spawning habitat. To assess the impact of dams, we estimated the historically accessed spawning habitat in coastal rivers (485,618 river segments with 21,113 current dams) based on (i) width, (ii) distance from seawater, and (iii) slope (to exclude natural barriers to migration) combined with local knowledge. Estimated habitat available prior to dam construction (2,752 km2) was 41% greater than current fully accessible habitat (1,639 km2). River-specific population models were developed using habitat estimates and latitudinally appropriate life history parameters (e.g., size at age, maturity, iteroparity). Estimated coast-wide annual production potential was 69.1 million spawners compared with a dammed scenario (41.8 million spawners). Even with optimistic fish passage performance assumed for all dams (even if passage is completely absent), the dam-imposed deficit was alleviated by fewer than 3 million spawners. We estimate that in rivers modeled without dams, 98,000 metric tons of marine sourced biomass and nutrients were annually delivered, 60% of which was retained through carcasses, gametes and metabolic waste. Damming is estimated to have reduced this by more than one third. Based on our results, dams represent a significant and acute constraint to the population and, with other human impacts, reduce the fishery potential and ecological services attributed to the species.
    • Considerations of variability and power for long-term monitoring of stream fish assemblages

      George, Scott D.; Stich, Daniel S.; Baldigo, Barry P. (Canadian Science Publishing, 2021-02)
      Little attention has been given to optimizing statistical power for monitoring stream fish assemblages. We explored the relationship between temporal variability and statistical power using 34 metrics from fish community data collected annually at six sites over 10 years via electrofishing. Metric variability differed by the life stage and group of species considered, use of abundance or mass data, and data standardization technique. Lower variability was associated with community data, abundance data, and time-based standardizations, while greater variability was associated with young-of- the-year data, mass data, and area-based standardizations. Simulation-based power analysis indicated metric choice, and to a lesser degree, monitoring design (annual, biennial, endpoints, or haphazard sampling) influenced power to detect change. Across a fixed number of surveys (N = 60), endpoints sampling performed best. The N needed to detect change was heavily dependent upon metric choice for all monitoring designs, with the most biologically specific metrics requiring greater N. Large savings in effort and resource expenditure can be obtained utilizing biologically relevant metrics that are robust to temporal noise within an appropriate sampling design.
    • fishStan: Hierarchical Bayesian models for fisheries

      Stich, Daniel S.; Erickson, Richard A.; Hebert, Jillian L. (Journal of Open Source Software, 2022-03)
      Fisheries managers and ecologists use statistical models to estimate population-level relations and demographic rates (e.g., length-maturity curves, growth curves, and mortality rates). These relations and rates provide insight into populations and inputs for other models. For example, growth curves may vary across lakes showing fish populations differ due to management actions or underlying environmental conditions. A fisheries manager could use this information to set lake-specific harvest limits or an ecologist could use this information to test scientific hypotheses about fish populations. The above example also demonstrates how populations exist within hierarchical structures where sub-populations may be nested within a meta-population. More generally, these hierarchical structures may be both biological (e.g., different lakes or river pools) and statistical (e.g., correlated error structures). Currently, limited options exist for fitting these hierarchical models and people seeking to use them often must program their own implementations. Furthermore, many fisheries managers and researchers may not have Bayesian programming skills, but many can use interactive languages such as R. Additionally, programs such as JAGS often require long run times (e.g., hours if not days) to fit hierarchical models and programs such as Stan can be more difficult to program because it is a compiled language. We created fishStan to share hierarchical models for fisheries and ecology in an easy-to-use R package.
    • The Evil Corporation Trope: An Analysis of Popular Science-Fiction Films

      Poerio, Michael A. (2022)
      Popular culture in general, and movies in particular, are one of the major influences on the public’s perception of science, and therefore on the level of trust audiences feel inclined to put in science. The science communication community has made great progress in achieving that the portrayal of scientists in movies does better justice to the diverse reality of scientific research, moving away from the stereotype of the old white male scientist. This has been achieved through constructive collaborations like the National Academy of Science’s Science and Entertainment Exchange. However, a prevalent trope, which we call “The Evil Corporation Trope”, has been repeatedly used in science-fiction films. Following David Kirby’s framework of cinema as a “virtual witnessing technology” that allows publics to immerse themselves in possible futures or inaccessible realities and experience what their perceptions and reactions would be, we present an analysis of this trope in several major science-fiction films, spanning nearly forty-years of cinema. If the reality that audiences virtually witness in these blockbuster movies systematically portrays science or tech companies as the antagonist and the source of all evil – is it surprising that trust in science is heavily undermined when it is such big corporations who, for example, develop and distribute the covid vaccines, or vaccines in general? My analysis includes the identification of patterns found within films using this trope, including corporations in these movies with ties to the military, and abuses of artificial intelligence.
    • Strategies for Conducting Post-Culture-of-Poverty Research on Poverty, Meaning, and Behavior

      Seale, Elizabeth (Springer, 2020)
      Sociologists widely agree that poverty is the effect of structural factors; however, understanding the ways in which poverty is experienced and constructed with reference to culture remains a compelling area of scholarship. In a society where culture of poverty ideas retain popularity, attributing meanings and behavior to people in poverty is complicated and contentious. Many scholars adroitly navigate these waters, but we lack clear guidelines on how to examine the behavior and perceptions of people in poverty without misrepresenting and potentially stigmatizing research subjects. I argue that to avoid problems of overgeneralization and what I call “unacknowledged comparison,” we must engage with multiple points of observation and empirical comparisons. In addition, it makes sense to center sets of circumstances that affect behavior rather than generalizing the behavior or the culture that influences that behavior. Finally, I argue that the unit of analysis should be at the relational level rather than the individual level. The implications of failing to attend to these issues include continued misunderstanding of and unwarranted stigmatization of people in poverty.
    • What Is the SUNY Oneonta Faculty Fellows Program?

      Aucoin, Brendan; Bishop, Jacqueline S. (Bruscella); Fall, Leigh; Montoya, Maria (2021)
      The Faculty Fellows (previously called Administrative Fellows) Program is a pilot program in Academic Affairs that addresses faculty leadership, institutional needs, and collaboration. It provides professional development opportunities for those who are considering administrative roles, by developing focused projects. The projects are addressing SUNY Oneonta’s mission critical goals in experiential learning, student engagement and retention, and inclusivity/diversity. The faculty fellows are an interdisciplinary team that strengthen the roles and offices of the academic deans and library director by integrating the academic schools/units. The 2021-2022 cohort includes Brendan Aucoin (Milne Library), Jacqueline (Bruscella) Bishop (Communication and Media), Leigh M. Fall (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences), and Maria Cristina Montoya (Foreign Languages and Literatures). Brendan is working on a series of projects related to highlighting SUNY Oneonta research and scholarship in the Milne Library. Among these are the development of the Library Special Researcher program for students and creating more opportunities to showcase faculty scholarship in the library. Jackie is working on a series of interrelated initiatives centered on experiential learning. Through cross-campus collaborations. Jackie's project seeks to a) increase access to on-campus and local internship opportunities, b) improve student, faculty, and site-supervisor understanding and use of Handshake, and c) strengthen career readiness programming for students, particularly those studying in the liberal arts. Leigh is working on two projects for the School of Sciences. One project is researching mechanisms of how interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary courses and research happens within the school, highlighting potential barriers and opportunities. The other project is researching past and current STEM experiential learning opportunities to help faculty provide productive experiences for students. MC is working on three projects: first the internationalization of the School of EHESS, including a focus on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) as a platform; second, developing the curricula and partnerships for the Bilingual Education graduate program; third, diverse faculty retention.