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Duckett, Raziel C.Readers/Advisors
Zarzosa Parcero, AgustinTerm and Year
Spring 2024Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This research paper examines the concept of worldbuilding in two iconic film franchises , "The Lord Of The Rings" and "Star Wars" Saga, which illuminates a significance in shaping immersive and compelling narratives . This paper draws upon the cultural analysis which stems from each of the two franchises to establish the concept thats speaks to Worldbuilding being the most imperative aspect within science and fantasy fiction storytelling. Elements from Boni, Marta. World Building"¯: Transmedia, Fans, Industries. 1st ed., Amsterdam University Press, 2017, deliver a comparative analysis of key elements such as setting , mythology, characters, and themes, the paper highlights the ways in which world-building as the fundamental aspect. It allows the audience to engage to an enriching narrative experience and engages the audience on a deeper level. Burroway, Janet. Imaginative Writing: The Elements of Craft, Pearson, Boston, 2015, is a book which helps the paper explore the interdisciplinary approach to forming a creative world with imagination.Accessibility Statement
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