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Randise, NicholasReaders/Advisors
Houston-Wilson, CathyDate Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Mental health is a topic that has been gaining a lot of traction in recent years. Unfortunately, this topic has not gained as much traction in the athletic community. Mental health can affect anyone at any time. Collegiate athletes are constantly faced with stigmas and barriers when it comes to mental health, and often times do not get the support they need. Analysis of previous research shows that mental health issues are just as prevalent in collegiate athletes and in some cases more prevalent than their nonathlete counterparts. Barriers that collegiate athletes face, especially the stigma that is in the athletic community in relation to mental health is a major factor when considering why collegiate athletes don’t get the help they need. Additionally, colleges and coaches can have a major contribution to the help-seeking behaviors of their athletes. Furthermore, previous research will support that strategies like resilience or resilience training, and mindfulness can have a very positive effect on a college athletes’ psyche and should be considered moving forward if colleges want to lower the prevalence of mental health issues in their athletes. The purpose of this synthesis project was to review the literature on the mental health of collegiate athletes.Accessibility Statement
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