Gender and disease-inclusive nomenclature consolidation of theragnostic target, prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) to folate hydrolase-1 (FOLH1)
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Ramirez-Fort, Marigdalia K.Gilman, Casey K.
Alexander, Jacob S.
Meier-Schiesser, Barbara
Gower, Arjan
Olyaie, Mojtaba
Vaidya, Neel
Vahidi, Kiarash
Li, Yuxin
Lange, Christopher S.
Fort, Migdalia
Deurdulian, Corinne
General Medicinedisease-inclusive language
folate hydrolase-1
gender-inclusive language
prostate-specific membrane antigen
theragnostic target
Journal title
Frontiers in MedicineDate Published
2024-02-09Publication Volume
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Ramirez-Fort MK, Gilman CK, Alexander JS, Meier-Schiesser B, Gower A, Olyaie M, Vaidya N, Vahidi K, Li Y, Lange CS, Fort M, Deurdulian C. Gender and disease-inclusive nomenclature consolidation of theragnostic target, prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) to folate hydrolase-1 (FOLH1). Front Med (Lausanne). 2024 Feb 9;10:1304718. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1304718. PMID: 38444631; PMCID: PMC10913592.DOI
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