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Coombs, RenaldoReaders/Advisors
Horn, DashielleTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
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Ten years ago, Social Media wouldn't be your first option for the latest news. Today on the other hand, Social Media has become a popular means of finding out information on what's going on in the world today. Traditional Media has always been one of the main ways people know what's going on. This can be through Television, Radio, and Newspapers to name a few popular forms of traditional media. It's been around for centuries and is usually the main way to find out what's going on in the world. Recently, Traditional Media has become corrupt with biased news companies and corrupt reporters switching stories around. Social Media can be great alternative to Traditional Media but Social Media is not the perfect alternative. It makes you wonder which one is more reliable and trustworthy to the public. The form of media that you choose to view should be honest and give accurate information on any matter.Accessibility Statement
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