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DeJesus, DemiReaders/Advisors
Heinrich, UrsulaTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
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Throughout the years we have grown familiar of the terms climate change and global warming and their impact on our planet. Though the effects of these changes were said to be so far from our current generation's views, we have seen the impact in all parts of the world; melting ice caps, decline of natural resources and rises in sea levels, just to name a few. With the statistics involving climate change, we have also been greeted with a number a causes. While some argue for a number unsustainable practices to be the central reason, namely means of transportation, fracking, even mountaintop removal, others believe it is naturally occurring. Although these are all important, one of the greatest impacts is by the animal agriculture industry, responsible for 18% of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions (Lappé 2010). Considering our dietary habits are something we have a direct impact on, I believe this is a conversation worth having. Factory farms thrive because of our support in purchasing their products.Accessibility Statement
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