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dc.contributor.authorGoldstein, Emily
dc.description.abstractThis paper explores the union of artistic practice and yoga. The research and analysis here illuminates the benefits of the practice of regular, ongoing yoga (and meditation) while  pursuing artistic practice in the fine or performing arts.  It is intended for artists, to understand the importance and necessity of embracing and embodying this collaboration between the arts and yoga, for the sake of an artist's life work and for the overall quality of their lives as artists today.  Furthermore, this paper is written with individuals studying at the conservatory level, as well as those currently working in one or more defined, artistic disciplines, in mind. The author acknowledges and seeks to illuminate the diligent self-practice regimens and how proper yoga supports and enhances their vital being. Topics covered by this research may also be of use and interest to arts managers and other professionals whose duty it is to support artists, raising awareness of the mental, physical and emotional obstacles faced by working artists. This paper provides an introduction to yoga-rapport (general terms foundational to yoga), providing a simple, yet generally comprehensive look into proper yogic practice and its benefits. There are also yoga practicing Artist Stories, to give industry context of the arts industry today. The research is focused on how yoga impacts the body, mind and spirit of humans and especially, artists. The idea is to illuminate how yoga and meditation, which are fundamentally restorative, create healthier, thriving and happy artists that can sustain their unique careers over time. The thesis of this paper is two-fold. On one side, this paper expresses the practice of yoga (physical and mental) and shows how it is essential to preserving an artist's vitality, (from dreaming child, to amateur, to consummate professional) but on the other hand, this paper expresses that two diametrically opposed worlds: the passionate and unstable world of the arts, and the stable and balanced world of yoga, can and do overlap, and are stronger when integrated together. By dovetailing the two, the true nature and purpose of both the arts and yoga can be met; through nourishing creative spirit and meeting the true self which is done by understanding our true and inherent nature, which is a state of understanding and bliss. At this apex (of the arts and yoga), questions about life become easier to answer and passions are directed into artistic practice regimens that reveal truth and spread sattvic/pure energy. At this meeting of the mind, Yogic Artists have hearts that are happy and their call to be an artist is being fulfilled positively.
dc.subjectFirst Reader Maria Guralnik
dc.subjectSenior Project
dc.subjectSemester Spring 2019
dc.titleThe Yogic Artist: How Yoga and Meditation Support Artistic Practice
dc.typeSenior Project
dc.description.institutionPurchase College SUNY
dc.description.departmentArts Management
dc.description.degreelevelBachelor of Arts
dc.description.advisorGuralnik, Maria 2019
dc.accessibility.statementPurchase College - State University of New York (PC) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their nondisabled peers to participate in the College's programs, benefits, and services, including those delivered through electronic and information technology. If you encounter an access barrier with a specific item and have a remediation request, please contact

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