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Falco, JosephReaders/Advisors
Ciupinski, JakubTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
For this production I worked with an artist who normally improvises a set of analog synthesizer/drum machine work. He has one bass synth, one polyphonic synth, and a small drum machine. Live and with the proper speaker amplification it can sound danceable, but recorded as direct audio it lacks the same compelling qualities (bass/drum sounds are especially lost as the subwoofer is no longer present). I used a Soundkraft MK-12 to receive DI from the synths and the used two Sony Electret Microphones to capture the room/monitor mix. From here I then edited the audio. Again, in a live setting improvisation can be fun to a limit, but in a studio recording an improvised set can become repetitive quickly. It was my goal through this project to make this improvised set into more cohesive song structures through various production techniques, including but not limited to ring modulation, delay designer, filters, distortion etc. The audio was heavily edited to not rely too heavily on long songs as the bulk of this project, and outside recordings, software instruments, and samples were brought in to relieve the lifting of the improvised material. Included in this submission is a mock contract for a very simple recording agreement. I couldn't reach the artist down for a signature as of this submission, so I kept their identity private it and left it blank. Also included is an album cover that I made with the school's Intaglio Printing Press during my time at the school (I also use it as my production company's insignia in the mock contract).The audio files will be submitted to my first reader via we-transfer.Accessibility Statement
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