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Beberman, AlexisReaders/Advisors
Borck, C. RayTerm and Year
Spring 2019Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Exploitation is the action or fact of mistreating someone to benefit from their work (Oxford Dictionaries). So this left me with the question of, does the exploitation of animals relate to the exploitation and sexualization of women? While researching that, I was brought to the research question I now have: Does Exploitation and Sexualization of Women in Nonhuman Rights Organizations Advertising Support Their Mission Statement? The answer is no. It hurts their mission statement while being hurtful to women and unethical. The way women are mistreated in advertising and media in order to try and gain attention for a vegan lifestyle and animal rights is morally wrong as well. Nonhuman Rights organizations have exploited women to gain attention and donations. The effect it generates crosses lines of Animal and Women's Rights, derogatory language, discrimination of men and people of color, exploiting a woman's body and more.Accessibility Statement
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